Toby Matthew 23/01/09 8lb 7oz *with pics*


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2008
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I hav'nt really posted much but this forum has been such a big help and times when I have needed some answers, I got some great responces so I thought I'd share my birth story with eveyone on here.

Well I was due to be induced on the 21st Jan at 39 weeks because of a few problems but nothing major, but went in the day before due to reduced movements. Everything was fine on the monitor though and thought I would just be sent home. Well after they did an internal, the midwife said I needed to stay in as she could push baby's head right up and out of my pelvis. Something to do with there being a slight risk if my waters broke and he wasnt engaged and the cord coming down. I agreed as I obviously thought I was going to be induced the next day, but apparently the whole unit was closed the day before as they were extremely busy so all inductions were behind.
I ended up staying there the tues and weds night very tearful only seeing my toddler for a few hours in the evenings. They could never give me a time they were going to start the induction as it was a 'when there was a space' situation.

Eventually on the thurs night the delivery suite came and got me and I was put on the monitor as they do with all inductions. She then did an internal and I was open enough that she could just break my waters...... which was a very odd sensation(this was at 00:30). It felt like a few minutes later that I stared getting painful contractions. After I had about 4 contractions I phoned my husband to come in as they were getting really painful. The midwife came and got me and moved me to the delivery room(this was about 1am). As soon as I got ther the contractions were coming thick and fast and not having any break between them. I was on gas and air straight away but already felt like I couldnt take the pain anymore.. I felt like such a wimp lol. SHe kept telling me it was too soon to have an epidural. It was all a bit blurry as I was in soo much pain, but I remember the gas and air mouth piece kept coming off and me getting really angry about it.

The next minute I felt like I needed to push, i didnt think I was right though as I'd only really just got there. she never examined me either so I had no idea how far I was or anything. I cant describe it but I just couldnt help but push, it was just happening. The next minute she said she could see his head. I actually couldnt believe it. I pushed a few more times and he was out screaming straight onto my chest at 01:55 while she delivered the placenta. About a minute after that my husband walked through the door. He was really gutted that he missed it but he really got there as quick as he could. My labour was written down as 1 hour long.....although it was an hour an a half from the moment they broke my waters. I really couldnt have asked for a better birth experience.. it really was lovely. I think it helped only being an hour long lol :rotfl: . Obviously would have been nice to have my husband there but nevermind.

Anyway thanks for reading.. here's a few pics. x :D :D



Congratulations, what a beautiful baby boy!

Now the fun starts!!

:cheer: :clap: :cheer: :clap:
Wow that was definately a quick labour!! Well done he's a wee cutie :hug: :hug:

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