Isaac is talking!


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Isaac is really coming on with his talking. He says to me "hello mummy, what you doing today?" when he wakes up in the morning and all day he comes out with things that have me in stitches. Tonight we were reading a book and it has lots of pictures and words in it. I point at the pictures and he says the word. I pointed at nuts and Isaac said nutbush. I looked at him and laughed and said "nutbush city limits, cool" and he looked me straight in the face, no smile, rolled his eyes and sighed and said "no mummy".

:rotfl: I love him at this age, he's hilarious :D
Aw well done Isaac! thats really cute! :clap:

My little one started saying "dad dad dad" today whilst reaching out for his daddy! he did it several times too. Im so proud of him cuz it is his first proper word! :dance:
awwww really enjoy this time lou... this is when they become little people rather than babies.... they get their own personalities and mannerisms and you can really start seeing what they will be like in 20 years time.. :) I loved this age with Tia. :hug:
they are so funny arent they at that age, i cant wait for Glenn to call me mummy.
awww thanks girls. He is a funny little thing but he's being a horror today. Everything I ask him he says no. Toast - no. Cornflakes - no. Bath - no. I need to stop asking and start telling :roll:


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