is your moses basket on a stand? or the floor??? or??


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2007
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I have a moses basket but not sure what to do with it!! At night does the baby just sleep in it on the floor?? Or do i need to get a stand or table or something?? Im confused. The stands in mothercare were really expensive but wasnt sure if i needed one?? What does everyone else do please. thankyou. :oops:
We've got ours on a stand- it's pretty much the same height as our bed so we can see baby easily and I can lift her in and out as and when I need to in the night.

I have my moses basket on a stand it is much easier for getting LO in and out of.
I agree though the stands are expensive I got mine from Mothercare.
We had ours on a stand (my sister gave me hers) as it puts the baby at the same height as the bed.
You should be able to pick one up second hand though
Mine was on a stand when i used it. So much easier to get them in and out at night to feed and change.

Argos do a rocking stand for about £15 quid i think, or maybe try ebay :)
We have the rocking stand from argos. It was a gift from OHs sister, I was going to put moses basket into the cot before we got it!!
We have ours on the floor at night, in the first few weeks OH got LO in and out of it so I dint have to struggle while i was feeling sore after the birth.
During the day I put it on our bed for her to nap in, or she goes in her cot.
I had mine on the floor next to the bed- we got it second hand and it didn't come with a stand. Seemed like a waste of money to buy one when he was just as happy on the floor!
We had ours on a stand - Just the bog standard one from Mothercare. Ours doesn't rock so when Mum babysits LO she uses it to put the baby bath on, very handy!
We have a rocking stand on loan from one of my mum's workmates. It's great - thought I'd hate it but I don't!
we used to put the basket in the cot
Ive got a rocking stand for mine. It was given to me, I'd have preferred one of the folding static ones as I'm sure the rocking wakes him up.

Logan rarely goes in his moses basket though, unless he's in a very deep sleep (hardly ever!) he wakes up the moment I put him in there.
James loved his and went in for hours no problem
I cant wait to get mine!! :D
Mine will be on wheels!! :cheer:
We had ours on a stand during the day. At night we put Jenna in her moses basket and set it in her cot (she moved into her own room when she was 2 weeks old)
Like Muppetmummy our LO isn#t too keen on being left in the moses basket/ She co-slept with us for nearly two sleeps but is now happy to spend her nights in it :sleep:

During the day she will have to be in deep sleep when putting in - will cry otherwise :shock: Even now is too early for her (9pm) - she is sleeping in my arms but we are both off to bed soon.

We have a rocking one which has been handy if LO is a little unsettled at night.
on a nite i was always paroid it would fall off the stand so i put a quilt on the floor and put the moses basket on there during the day i used the stand x
try ebay hun or even free cycle xx
Ive looked at the argos one and have decided to get that one. It seems the cheapest one ive seen and its a rocking one too. Thanks for the help as i didnt realise argos did them. Will be getting it on monday hurrah :D :D
We have a rocking one got it from tescos about a tenner :cheer: I personally am so glad I got a rocking one its the only thing that would sooth her sometimes.

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