Is this worth getting excited about?


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2006
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Last night I barely slept due to period-type pains, more or less constantly. I did lots of getting up and wandering about, read rather a lot of Harry Potter, and drew up my finalised kitchen plans :) . Bizarrely the period type pain was slightly preferrable to the back ache I had when I went to bed. The thing is I've have mild pain of this sort every night since the weekend, when I rang the midwife about it on Monday she just said 'well, you are getting near your due date, aren't you?' Having got up this morning it seems to have gone away a bit but is still there in the background.

I haven't had any other signs or symptoms at all - no show or plug, no Braxton Hicks. Nothing. Baby is wriggling around still. Looking at the state of the house my nesting instinct is non-existant (unless you count the total re-build which is going on a mile down the road :lol: but that's been going on for the last year!)

I'm just getting rather fed up with the whole 'being pregnant' thing. I haven't really enjoyed it and would really prefer for the baby to be on the outside of me than on the inside.

Also, like Valentine, I am getting the numerous daily phone calls which drive me round the bend;
my mum - 'are you still with us then?' No. If I was 'with you' I would be up in Yorkshire, wouldn't I, rather than down south?
MIL - 'so you're not in hospital yet?' Obviously not. If that was the case how would I be picking up my land line phone?
my dad - 'just checking you haven't had the baby yet.' Oh yes, we had her last week, just forgot to tell you about the birth of your first grandchild.

At least my best friend is being realistic. She keeps getting people who know me asking her if I have had her yet, and she replies 'well, the baby's not due until the end of the week.' Hurray for best friends, eh?
sounds like the way my labour started off. niggiling pains started on the wednesday night, had a sweep on the thursday at 1.30pm. had a bloody show by 8.30pm thursday night, waters broke at 10.45pm thursday night, Evie was born 4.20am Friday morning.
Same as you no signs of labour (no nesting, no diaherrea etc). Although i was 5 days overdue and i think the sweep started me off.

lets hope its a good sign and your baby will be with you soon :hug: :D
mayday said:
Also, like Valentine, I am getting the numerous daily phone calls which drive me round the bend;
my mum - 'are you still with us then?' No. If I was 'with you' I would be up in Yorkshire, wouldn't I, rather than down south?
MIL - 'so you're not in hospital yet?' Obviously not. If that was the case how would I be picking up my land line phone?
my dad - 'just checking you haven't had the baby yet.' Oh yes, we had her last week, just forgot to tell you about the birth of your first grandchild.

I'm so glad it's not just me who is being grumpy and being driven mad! I love that people care, but it drives me mad that they think we might forget to tell people we've had the baby or answer the phone mid-contraction!

Hugs :hug: to you mayday - I hope this is the start of things for you as little*red said.

Valentine xxx
I really hope its the start of something for you hunni, i sympathise with the who;e is it here yet lol. People who have had kids forget how annoying it is!

Every labour starts differently,so you could be in early labour.Hope it turns real soon

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