Is this the end? Missed miscarriage?


Jan 25, 2019
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Hi Ladies,

I have been on the internet searching for advice & answers so thought I’d post on here to try & make sense of it all.

On Boxing Day my husband & I got our bfp & were overjoyed as we have been ttc for almost a year. Fast forward to Tuesday just gone, we had an early scan due to me having diabetes. According to my lmp (28th November) this would make me 7weeks & 6 days.

The sonographer couldn’t see anything, I had to have an internal scan & all she could see was the pregnancy sac with the yolk sac inside & no baby.

She told me that maybe my dates are wrong making me earlier than the 7 weeks, but I know when my last period was as I’ve been marking it in my diary :(

The midwife took me & my husband to a private room & she didn’t look confident at all. She said the sac was only measuring 5 weeks & the yolk sac looked slightly bigger.

I am in bits, I can’t stop crying. My first daughter was stillborn 15 years ago & all the memories of that have come flooding back.

We have to go for another scan on Tuesday to see if there is anything there, but she said to prepare for the worst & that baby may have stopped growing at 5 weeks.

I’m clinging on to any hope but the dates just don’t add up :(

Has anyone been through this? What happens next? Do I wait for nature to take its course? I’m so confused. My boobs don’t seem sore any more either. This is just so horrible.
First of all I’m so sorry you’re going through this and have been through loss before.

I had a similar experience. Pregnancy sac, but no baby inside when I should have been 8 weeks.
It’s called a “blighted ovum”, it’s when the baby doesn’t develop due to a chromosome defect or other issue (would mean a very poorly bubba or natural miscarriage) but the body still thinks you’re pregnant so continues to develop the sac.
My hospital also didn’t tell me what it was called so I had to google, they also told me to hold onto hope because the baby could be there but just a lot younger than you think. To that, I say, you know you’re body and you know when your period was.
They didn’t offer me another scan, I just waited for nature to take its course. I lightly bled for 3 weeks before being in pain (what I now know to be contractions) and passing the sac.

I hope this helps and I’m sorry if I’ve scared you. This is just my experience but that doesn’t mean the same thing will happen to you.
I hope you don’t go through the same thing and you just have a shy tiny bubba in there. <3
First of all I’m so sorry you’re going through this and have been through loss before.

I had a similar experience. Pregnancy sac, but no baby inside when I should have been 8 weeks.
It’s called a “blighted ovum”, it’s when the baby doesn’t develop due to a chromosome defect or other issue (would mean a very poorly bubba or natural miscarriage) but the body still thinks you’re pregnant so continues to develop the sac.
My hospital also didn’t tell me what it was called so I had to google, they also told me to hold onto hope because the baby could be there but just a lot younger than you think. To that, I say, you know you’re body and you know when your period was.
They didn’t offer me another scan, I just waited for nature to take its course. I lightly bled for 3 weeks before being in pain (what I now know to be contractions) and passing the sac.

I hope this helps and I’m sorry if I’ve scared you. This is just my experience but that doesn’t mean the same thing will happen to you.
I hope you don’t go through the same thing and you just have a shy tiny bubba in there. <3

Hello, thank you for your reply.

I’m so sorry for your loss, that must have been so hard for you

I have read about blighted ovum, I’ve been googling everything these past days & I do fear it is this.

It’s the not knowing that’s so hard, I guess I’ll know for sure on Tuesday.

Thank you so much for your kind words. ❤️
Hello, thank you for your reply.

I’m so sorry for your loss, that must have been so hard for you

I have read about blighted ovum, I’ve been googling everything these past days & I do fear it is this.

It’s the not knowing that’s so hard, I guess I’ll know for sure on Tuesday.

Thank you so much for your kind words. ❤️
The not knowing is always the worst.
Hope you get positive answers on Tuesday, I’ll check in to see how you’re getting on.
Can always message me if you need, no pressure at all though x
I didn’t want to read and run, I’m sorry you’re going through this xx I hope you get some answers soon
I experienced this in August so I can relate.
I am so sorry that this is happening to you.

In my experience my baby was also two weeks behind the date it should of been. It is called a missed miscarriage.
Next step if it is worst case is that you either wait for the MC naturally or they medically/surgically treat it. I have experienced a natural MC so I opted for the surgery.

Hopefully your baby catches up tho xxx
So sorry to hear this; I can't imagine what you're going through. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow, I hope that everything is okay.
Thank you ladies so much xx

Unfortunately I started spotting blood today & getting shooting pains :(

Not enough to soak a pad, literally it’s when I wipe, but it doesn’t look good. I’ve lost all hope there will be a happy ending.

My midwife said I could go to hospital to be observed tonight but my scan is first thing so I’ve opted to hold out until then. Xx
So I went for the scan and it’s as I expected. No baby to be seen. They can’t do anything or act on it as it’s still ‘too early’ and they have a protocol.

They are 100% it’s a miscarriage & I have to wait another week for another scan & then they can intervene.

In the meantime it could just happen naturally. It’s starting already as I’m passing blood & getting the odd sharp pain.

I’m ok, as I’ve had this week to expect this. It’s still so shit though & wouldn’t wish this on anyone. I’m just concerned if I’ll be able to conceive again as I’m 39 & time isn’t on my side :(

Thank you all for your kind words & if anyone is going through the same thing, I wish you a better outcome xx
I am sorry about what you are going through. This sounds similar to what I am going through. I am pleased you shared as I was feeling so alone. My story goes like this. Found out I was pregnant on dece 27th the had spotting on 6th of Jan. They did a scan all they could see was an empty gestational sac. A week later another scan and there was a yolk. 12 days later which is today they could see a feotal pole but no heart beat. They mentioned about the yolk being large don't know what that means. They suggested another scan next Friday to confirm exactly what is going on. It's such an emotional roller coaster to deal with as I don't know what it will be like next week. Sorry for long post but I wanted to say I feel your pain and sorry dear.
I am sorry about what you are going through. This sounds similar to what I am going through. I am pleased you shared as I was feeling so alone. My story goes like this. Found out I was pregnant on dece 27th the had spotting on 6th of Jan. They did a scan all they could see was an empty gestational sac. A week later another scan and there was a yolk. 12 days later which is today they could see a feotal pole but no heart beat. They mentioned about the yolk being large don't know what that means. They suggested another scan next Friday to confirm exactly what is going on. It's such an emotional roller coaster to deal with as I don't know what it will be like next week. Sorry for long post but I wanted to say I feel your pain and sorry dear.

Awwh thank you & I’m so sorry you are going through this. It’s the uncertainty & the waiting which is a killer. People say ‘Relax & stay positive’ but it’s impossible.

They said my yolk sac was slightly large but I didn’t know & still don’t know what that means.

Spotting is common in pregnancy so I truly hope at your next scan, they find the heartbeat. I’ve been reading lots of positive posts as well as the negative ones, so I hope you get good news. It will be a long week for you though :( xx

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