Hi Amyjo. Don't worry about worrying, it is totally normal! You will find every niggle or cramp makes you panic, you may get blood spotting (again very common in pregnancy - I had it with my first & everything was fine & have also had it this time around). You'll find yourself checking your toilet paper every time you wipe for blood spots (again totally normal).
I'd like to say it gets easier, but you'll reach 12 weeks which is the first goal post, then 20 weeks, but then you'll worry about going into labour early. To be perfectly honest the only time I relaxed last time & will this time is when I'm safely holding my baby in my arms & know we're both safe!
It does get easier though as you get your bump growing & feel daily kicks that are massively re-assuring. But worrying & paranoia is all part & parcel of being an expectant mum.
Try to enjoy your pregnancy as much as you can, set yourself goalposts & if you are really concerned at any point, contact your midwife, that's what they're there for x
Sunnyb xxx