Is this normal ?


Well-Known Member
Aug 5, 2011
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I've just noticed that I've bled a little bit...

It is a bit like my period, but with less blood... Should I worry ?

It isn't gloopy or anything, just pure blood.

My baby is still kicking and moving around and stuff, so I don't think any harm has came to her.
A would fone mw just be on sure side Hun if u are just gonna worry abOut it cos a would no harm phoning x
I don't know, I lost my mucus plug a couple of days ago, so it can't be that...

I thought show was thicker and a bit gloopy ? This is just watery blood...
Definitely phone ur MW or Labour Ward...
Not worth risking it hun...
I phoned up the labour ward, and they said I should come in ASAP...

I'm just about to go, but I'm scared :(

I'll take my phone and try to update this as and when I can...

Wish me luck.
Dont be scared hun. u'll be in the best place, good luck sweet heart, u'll be fine Im sure, thinking of u
Good luck, let us know how it goes xxx
I'm in the hospital now, waiting for my MW to arrive to examine me, but as I walked into the hospital I doubled over with really really bad cramps in my stomach...

I'm more scared now than I ever have been.

I just hope the examination reveals I've been stupid and it is nothing :(
U'll be fine hun, we're made for it...
i hope everything is ok, at least you are in the right place x
I hope you're ok! You're in good hands now hun xx
Thank God!

I'm still in hospital, under observation to make doubly sure everything is fine, but it isn't anything serious.

It is just my cervix bleeding a little as it adjusts for birth :)
So glad to hear everything is all okay! Xx
Thanks, so am I :)

I spoke to the doc, and they're keeping me overnight just to be sure.

Luckily I've got a full charge on my BlackBerry, so I can still browse the forum :)
Glad they're keeping u in hun to look after u...
Hopefully this time tomoro, u may be cuddling up with ur new bubba??? Have they said if ur near to active labour???

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