Is this normal??


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Hi girls,

Last night on my way home from work I started getting a slight period-like pain in my stomach (not severe but still quite bad) and it lasted on/off all night. Along with this I had painful lower back and at time I felt a heavy pressure and pain in my pelvis and lower tummy and it felt like I needed to push :S I know sometimes the baby can drop between your pelvic bones and its normal to hurt a bit but it just seemed really weird :S I havent had any other symptoms and it seems to have stopped now, I have noticed she hasnt been as active as she is normally but shes still been kicking.

Would appreciate any help/advice

Thanks xx
**Just wanted to add I don't know if this ia relevant but when I was getting dressed yesterday I felt watery discharge come out and I had heavy white/yellow tinged discharge throughout the day.(sorry TMI) xx
Maybe give your MW a call huni to put your mind at rest xx
Yeah, I would call MW to be sure....

Its defo a good sign if she's still kicking away.

Did speak to the MW?

I haven't spoken to her yet, just goes straight to voicemail. Its all stopped now weirdly :S I did just finish work yesterday and I'd been doing a lot at work and round the house that morning so I dont know if it was just normal aches n pains. But I'll keep trying my MW just to be sure. Thing is with my MW she does tend to overreact and speaks before she thinks, which has left me panicing for no reason in the past :S xx
My pains definitely increased when LO started to engage, it was alot of pains lower down into my pelvis and under my bump. Discharge can increase too in pregnancy but I would check this with the mw if its discoloured and smells incase you have a wee uti or somethin. I think what your having sounds normal pregnancy aches n stuff but if it's worrying you I would get it checked, will put your mind at ease hun x
Sounds like normal pains, and baby can start to press down on bladder now causing leakage but maybe need a check if discharge isn't right and your worried. I've been getting cramps a stretching low down, sometimes takes my breath away but usually goes after a bit, I seem to have a stitch down side of bump every time I walk somewhere too!
Yeah its the same with me, I've sent her a text just explaining. Everything seems to have gone back to normal today so I think I may have done too much yesterday, was vacuming and cleaning the whole house then went to work until 8pm so I didnt sit down and rest till about half 9 last night so I think it may have just been that. xx

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