is this normal??


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2005
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hi, since i was about 4 months the veins in my legs have been breaking and comin to the surface like old womens legs! and now at nearly 7 months my legs look horrendus. im gettin quite worried about it. i have patches of dead veins on the backs of my knees and all the way up the backs of my thighs right up to the base of my bum. ive also found over this last week i have been sleepin alot and i thought the third trimester u were a bit more awake.
please can some one tell me if this is normal or if they have had this and know whats up with me thanks xxx
And veins like this should be reported to your midwife. They can then keep check on them. It is 'normal' to happen to some people but it's not always a good thing. Speak to your midwife as soon as you can about it.
just so you know in your third trimester you do get more tired because of the extra fat the baby is putting on and the baby is getting bigger so you are carrying more weight around with you which makes you tired more quickly but always tell your midwife just in case it is related to that on your legs
cheers ladies.
sami, what was it like talkin to jo when she went into labour? i'd spoke to her earlier in the day coz she said she was havin braxton hicks n i thought maybe they were real ones! brooke is gorg isnt she!!
LOl it was quite funny coz I thought she was in labour and she was like 'nah sod off' haha :lol: . She was getting thumping pain like inside by her cervix but wasn't hurting, then about hour to and hour later she started getting pains (from what I remember - it was about 3am!). Then she went to lie down to ease the pains and just as she signed offline from the internet her waters broke! Then off to hospital she went! She managed to have the baby naturally instead of the c-section she was due to have a week today.

She did bloody well! She had been having braxton hicks for a couple of weeks and was timing them and they were geting more common so I did wonder if she would labour early but didn't wanna scare the poor love :lol: I made her pack a hospital bag all the same though the other week. Good job she did now!

I'm well pleased for her - little Brooke is the most gorgeous little lady I have ever seen. Pretty just like her mummy :)
bless her. i think shes done so well considering what she been through. its nice to see another young girl proving to the older generations that we can do it. shes had loads of crap thrown at her n shes still smilin (most of the time!)

shes inspired me!! :D xxx
I have had veins and all sorts of wierd changes happen to my body. I think this is normal but if you are worried check with the mw or doc.

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