Is this normal 6 and half months after giving birth???


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Ladies,

I have not posted on here for a long little girl is nearly seven months and we are having the time of our lives with her. I just wanted to know why in the middle of each month and before my period am i having dull pains in what feels like my womb and either side of my is almost as if I have got painful wind (so I am wondering if it is my bowel).. I am not in real discomfort but I can still feel it. My DH said that it may be everything moving back into place and my womb still shrinking after it being stretched so much - WHAT DO YOU GALS THink??

PS...Still no joy in the bedroom department - he still won't come near me!!!! I have had passion twice in the seven months she has been born!!! I am just ignoring it now and having a damn good flirt when I go out without DH!! I KNOW THAT THIS IS CERTAINLY NOT NORMAL BUT I HAVE GIVEN UP THINKING AND WORRYING ABOUT IT!!!

THanks for reading

Julia xxx
you're womb will have gone back to its normal size not long after birth. so it won't be that giving you jip and it it is then you need to see the doctor.

Id mkean appointment to see the doctor and get checked out :)
could it be ovulation pains? i get stictch like pains - usually on the left one month then the right the next, try noting when you get them and see if its about the time you would ovulate. not everyone gets them but i know quite a few people who get them once ina while and a few like me who get them pretty much every month.

i would still do like budge says and get it checked out to be on the safe side.

sorry to hear about dh being funny with bedroom stuff. must be so frustrating. maybe he needs to talk to someone (i know easier said than done with men!) has he spoken to you about why he isnt comfortable with it?

I've really started feeling ovulation pains again (well I think thats what its is as it seems to be about 2 weeks after my AF) and they are really painful now. Like quite sharp pains on each side. My right side was killing me last night and i'm so hoping its just that and not the endometriosis coming back again.

Tan x
Thanks for all of your replies....I discussed my pain with a health and social teacher and she said that things don't return to normal up until about a year after giving birth.....insides are returning into place. If it get worse then I will go to see a doctor.

We have tried to talk about the bedroom problem and he says he will "try" but I don't want him to have to "try" - it should come naturally to him to desire his wife. I think he just sees me like a mother now!
I have just turned completely cold on him and don't even want him to hug me (this is my way of dealing with it)....hopefuly he will ask me why I am being like this and then I will explain!!

Julia xx

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