Is this justice?


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2005
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Just watching sky news it said that a youngster who knocked down a pregnant woman & her 9 year old child because he ignored a red light at a pedestrian crossing got 7 years in prison :shock:
It makes me so angry that some little barsteward gets such a short sentence for 3 deaths, he'll probably be out in 4 1/2 years too. Makes my blood boil. :twisted:
that really is terrible, i remember a few years ago when an illegal immigrant had no liscence, tax or insurance and killed a little boy with drunk driving - he got 2years so he is out now :x :x :x :x
i hate this country all the time, its a complete joke.
every day we are reading story after story like this, when the f*ck is it gonna end.

what we need (sorry to say this) is a policemans or a top barristers kid to get run over or abused & then see them be harsher to the criminal then.

i read the other day that a lady whos boy was killed in the iraq war requested to see Tony Blair & was turned down, then in the same week, Shilpa Shetty (big brother winner) was granted a meeting with tony.
makes me ashamed of where we live & the justice system.
tony blair needs shooting, useless b*stard
ud think he would make more time for the family of someone hes sent off to b killed than some racist idiot
foxymum said:
i hate this country all the time, its a complete joke.
every day we are reading story after story like this, when the f*ck is it gonna end.

what we need (sorry to say this) is a policemans or a top barristers kid to get run over or abused & then see them be harsher to the criminal then.

i read the other day that a lady whos boy was killed in the iraq war requested to see Tony Blair & was turned down, then in the same week, Shilpa Shetty (big brother winner) was granted a meeting with tony.
makes me ashamed of where we live & the justice system.

Just goes to show what a pathetic government we have grrrrrrr :twisted:
what we need (sorry to say this) is a policemans or a top barristers kid to get run over or abused & then see them be harsher to the criminal then.

Iam a police officer and unfortunatly we dont decide the sentence of these people- We can only present evidence and hope its gets to court!!
Its an extreamly frustratin part of our job, believe me.
Isnt there tougher laws being introduced now? Im sure that if someone causes death on the road through carelessness they will be charged with manslaughter now instead of "death by dangerous driving". Probably still wont carry a high enough sentence but its a step in the right direction.

Ive always thought that anyone who causes a death on the roads wether because they are drunk or because "he came from no-where" should get the maximum sentence possible. People need to realise that while driving they are in control of a deadly weapon, something that can kill on impact, and that comes with a very heavy responsibility to be 100% in total control 100% of the time!
This kinda thing makes me soooo so angry. All I'll say (before I start ranting!) is that I hate so many of the laws, policys etc in this country, I hate the 'systems' in place and think given the governments soft touch towards immigrants, racism, prisoners etc I'm sure in years to come we'll have civial war in this country. It's becoming utter madness and people are just getting more and more fed up with it. JMO I'm saying no more I could rant for HOURS on things like that!! It's soooo unfair! :evil:
There is absolutely NO justice in the world at all. Some illegal immigrant (who wasn't even meant to be in this country) smashed into my mum's cousin's daughter (it was on the news and everything) and she was a teacher and 8 months pregnant :( and on her way to her mum and dads house where she was planning on moving to with her fiance and baby when the baby was here and he killed them both instantly and he had no tax or insurance or anything and didn't even know how to drive a car :shock: and it went to court and everything and what did the ******* do? Skip the country :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: they eventually found him when the tsunami was on and i'm not sure how many years he has now but I know for sure that it isn't many. You get more punishment for drink driving than killing someone and it makes me SO mad :x :x :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
iv never understood why theres so many stabbings and shootings when you can just run some one over and claim it to be an "accident" and get away with pretty much nothing! the worlds gone mad, and the really upsetting thing is nice people are the only ones getting hurt :evil:
he should be in there till the minute he dies and i think that for just one murder let alone 3
OMG that is so wrong. :x
Since when did this country become such a joke dealing with its criminals.

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