IS this BFP or not?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2011
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so earlier i took a test and came up neg... i just went to bathroom to go throw it out and theres a clear 2nd line... do i discount this/ if you leave it long enough will it always get a line?
If it's pink not grey it looks good, post a piccy...

Take another one with FMU to be sure. Not sure of that can be an evap or not x

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Take the strip out and have a look, the horizontal line is fake, you can see the vertical one clearer from the other side of the strip too! :)

did it and the line is still there.... im Having problems getting it to upload. what would that show?
BFP I'd say, I'll look out for your FMU tomorrow!! :):):)

even though it was over 10 mins?

i mean part of me thinks for it tpo develop that dark and it NOT be positive in that time is weird... u know? like i didnt leave it hours and hours. 90 mins at the VEEEEERY most. probably more likely an hour or less
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Take another test with fmu tomorrow Hun. Fingers crossed for you!xx
im starting to panic already! At the begin ing of this year i was given the all clear from cancer (had suffered on/off for 3 years) and only 2 months ago i had a fertility test that cornfirmed that even though i had had radiotherapy my fertility was fine. so if i AM pregnant i feel like its some kind of miracle baby!

i want a fat christmas damnit! (fat christmas = mothers term for pregnant christmas)
im starting to panic already! At the begin ing of this year i was given the all clear from cancer (had suffered on/off for 3 years) and only 2 months ago i had a fertility test that cornfirmed that even though i had had radiotherapy my fertility was fine. so if i AM pregnant i feel like its some kind of miracle baby!

i want a fat christmas damnit! (fat christmas = mothers term for pregnant christmas)

That would be an amazing story to tell your wee one Joanna, so hope this is it for you!! xx
im kinda scared incase i am... when i was a kid i always ended up breaking things... dolls heads ended up everywhere, arms would fall off. im worried for that irl now lol

i have a michelin map on my tits so i kinda think i am but will wait
im kinda scared incase i am... when i was a kid i always ended up breaking things... dolls heads ended up everywhere, arms would fall off. im worried for that irl now lol

i have a michelin map on my tits so i kinda think i am but will wait

About the boobs thing, that's definitely a good sign.

As for the breaking things, it will come naturally to you when you have a precious wee baby in your arms, you will be fine!!
wehat worries me is that my really sore boobages went off when i had A 2 day bleed (8dpo) but now feels like someone is infrequently stabbing me with a pin. i got itchy nips, rings around them too and bumps on them
im starting to panic already! At the begin ing of this year i was given the all clear from cancer (had suffered on/off for 3 years) and only 2 months ago i had a fertility test that cornfirmed that even though i had had radiotherapy my fertility was fine. so if i AM pregnant i feel like its some kind of miracle baby!

i want a fat christmas damnit! (fat christmas = mothers term for pregnant christmas)

Oh how amazing Hun it looks positive to me! Got everything g crossed for u! U deserve it


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