Is this anything to worry about?


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2008
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Over the last two days Sophie has got alot of spots on her face. they are white spots on and around her eye and the skin around them is red. on her cheek and neck she has red spots, almost like a rash. we have asked me dad and deans dad they both said its just milk spots. i would think that if there was no redness, but the facts that its all red has us worried :?

what do you think? is it worth going to the drs?

Angel had something similar at her age, but it went onto her scalp, in her ears and on her neck and chest. My HV told me it's coz she still has some of my hormones in her body. But lots of people say it's milk spots. Most babies get it. If you're really worried then take her to the Hv. It's not very nice looking i know. Angel had it quite bad and bright red. She told me it was Oestrogen from me and would be gone in a week or so.
Evie had it too- HV told me it was milk rash and it would go. I did, I ca't remember when though :?
Hello :wave:

Rudy has this too at the moment and has done for a few weeks- it looks exactly like Sophie has in the pics. His is mostly on his cheeks and doesn't llok pretty but HV told me it was just a newb rash and is nothing to worry about. I call them mil spots though- sounds bette than a rash. I'm hoping it will dissapear soon, but it doesn't seem to affect him in any way so I'm not worried.

Hope the three of you are all good :D

Alex xxx
Aww darlin there just milk spots - lots of newborns get them - harmless!
Collier got milk spots on his face and around his neck area they come and go some time he has a few sometimes quite alot
He hasnt had them for while now
Nothing to be worried about :D
Oliver got milk spots too, and then a bit of acne on his cheeks - they did go away after a couple of weeks, but putting breast milk on them seemed to help clear them up.

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