Is this a good sign?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2008
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The fact that I feel like absolute sh*t all the time?!!! I remember feeling a bit ick last time I was pregnant but nothing like the severity it's hit me this time around.

I feel like i've been sleep deprived, even though i'm sleeping all the time and I was actually sick last night. My moods are horrendous and this morning i'm p*ssed off but last night when hubby was cooking I just burst into tears for no good reason!

I'm hoping that this is a good sign and means there's actually something growing there now and it's a little one that's making me feel like death warmed up!!
Well people that say stronger pregnancies produce more m/s is b*llocks but the fact that you feel rough means that your baby is still there producing hormones so take it as a good sign!

That said if the symptoms disappear it doesn't necessarily mean all isn't well. I have good days and bad days.

But rest assured, that sicky feeling is caused by a cheeky little bean :D
Im the same, feel totally drained all the time, get up eat sleep eat sleep and I can just about get by, as for moods....poor hubbys got a week off this week.........!!!!!!!

your defo got a lil baby in there thats taking all it can to make sure it stays!! :hug:
Actually statistically it is true that pregnancies that produce bad m/s are less likely to miscarry, it says so in my NHS bumpf so I assume it must be true anyway! It's just that that doesn't mean there's anything wrong for those of us (including me, sorry) that just got nausea and no vomiting.
it is a good sign, altho some folk are lucky and dont get any symptoms and still have healthy pregnancies- i know someone on here who didnt kno she was preg with her first for 4 months!!!! :hug:
HannahD said:
The fact that I feel like absolute sh*t all the time?!!! I remember feeling a bit ick last time I was pregnant but nothing like the severity it's hit me this time around.

I feel like i've been sleep deprived, even though i'm sleeping all the time and I was actually sick last night. My moods are horrendous and this morning i'm p*ssed off but last night when hubby was cooking I just burst into tears for no good reason!

I'm hoping that this is a good sign and means there's actually something growing there now and it's a little one that's making me feel like death warmed up!!

Sounds quite normal to me - as you know I've :puke: throughout so far and although I thought I was doing ok mood-wise I completely lost it at the weekend. Had a small tiff with my OH about nothing and then I cried for about 2 hours non stop afterwards. When my OH finally came to find me I was in a right state and had persuaded myself that my OH really wanted to leave me and live the bachelor lifestyle as he didn't want the baby. He just held me really tight until I'd calmed down and then told me that he does want me and the baby. I've never felt emotion like it before - it was crazy that I was actually incapable of stopping myself from crying.
of course it's a good sign :hug:

i panicked a bit at first because last time my nipples were so painful and i had bad nausea (was never actually sick though :think:) and this time i'd never have known.

thinking back though i have been getting pins and needles in my fingers and heartburn, so they must be my symptoms this time :) i'm just happy i've managed to escape morning sickness, it sounds awful.
That's good then!!! :D

I've only been sick once (so far!) but have nausea on and off nearly all day. I've just bought myself some new travel bands as they really help. I need to get myself some crackers to munch on as I definitely find if my stomach's nearly empty I feel worse.

The exhaustion's starting to get to me, especially as my brain's not working properly at the moment. I'm not sleeping that well either (doesn't help I need to pee 3 times in the night!) and when my oh goes to work at 6am I find it hard to get back to sleep.

Last time I had a bit of nausea, my boobs hurt and I was peeing all the time but now it's like it's been times'd by 100!! I never got mood swings last time so that's a bit of a shock, esp as I rarely cry at the best of times. It's weird, I feel so stupid cos I'll feel my bottom lip start to tremble and i'll want to bawl! I'm trying not to tho, I refuse to cry at nothing haha!

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