Is this a BFP? evap line? Im not sure :(

:doh: Jenna!! I demand you test first thing tomorrow morning.

The quake was so scary though wasn't it? I didn't think they could be that bad in this country.
ohhhh please test......... ive been keeping an eye on this post hoping to see your BFP.

Yeah i too was scared stiff last night, thought the house was caving in.
what are you like :doh:
your faint line was 5 days ago so it will probabally show up without it being fmu :)
I did another cheapie i found and it was the same after 1 minute... bought a boots own test after work anyway for tomorow :) tried to take some photos but my camera is acting up :x
Thank you :hug:

This is todays and an OPK i did just because i needed to dip something else i was so giddy :lol:


Dont know if anyone will be able to see because it was taken on our crappy webcam.
I definately see lines on them both, this is looking promising. I will be on in the morning hoping to see a BFP. Good luck :pray:
Jenna have you had any symptons??? Have you been getting period pains at all???

Cant believe how you are feeling dont think i'll EVER get there!!
i can see lines on both hun looks like its a bfp to me :dance:
It was a bfn on the boots test. Think i might get a CB digital from morrisons tomorow :think: Im feeling ok, been getting really bad stomach ache and sore boobs.

The boots test said that the menapause and ovarian cysts may effect the result :shock: :shock:
hey babe, your tests look exactly same as what mine did, and i did the same with OPK's hehe, i had to POAS to hehe.. and there's a def line on both tests, not tryin to raise your hopes too much.. but i think its a BFP... fingers crossed i'll see you in 1st tri tomorrow xxxx
hey Jenna

I've still got everything crossed for you, so much so i'm having permanent cramps now :rotfl: :rotfl:

I am praying this is it and just really hope that you get that very clear BFP soon so we can all jump up and down for joy :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

Come on Baby fairy, stop making jenna wait let that BFP come clear and obvious on the next test and give jenna a break!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

:shhh: :shhh: PS... I see lines on both of the cheapies too! :cheer: :shhh: :shhh:

How frustrating :wall: I think you would be better off with a CB digi or just a normal CB or first response as they are more sensitive. I still think things are looking good for you :pray:
I don't think boots tests are that sensitive, they're only OK from day perios due according to the box. :hug: good luck, hoping those lines get stronger.

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