Is this a BFP? evap line? Im not sure :(

:hug: Sorry to keep you all waiting. I didnt get chance to go shopping for a digi on friday because i havnt been very well... got right bad boob ache it made me sick. Got a test off my sister and it had a darker line than before :cheer: Dont want to get too excited, been getting really bad period pains :( I guess that could be good though? :hug: :hug:
jenna said:
:hug: Sorry to keep you all waiting. I didnt get chance to go shopping for a digi on friday because i havnt been very well... got right bad boob ache it made me sick. Got a test off my sister and it had a darker line than before :cheer: Dont want to get too excited, been getting really bad period pains :( I guess that could be good though? :hug: :hug:

Jenna, I really do think your pregnant! Especially if the line was darker. My first symptom was horrendous af cramps! You need to try and get a digi to put your mind at rest, because I really do think this is it for you! :dance: xxx
oooo the line was darker! Go and get a digi! :pray: :pray:
Thats brill Jenna i would get it confirmed at the docs now :hug:
Ooooh the line was darker! :cheer: :cheer: I'm so excited for you, really hope this is it for you hun.
Oh Jenna thats fab news!! Please post pics!!! :cheer:
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: Jenna...Pregant??? hooooray

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: Really bad period pains and breast pains were my first symptoms... Oh Jenna I so hope that this is it for you and you will be posting in announce your arrival section come Sept/Oct time :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
ooh yay, can;t wait for you to come on and say digi was a BFP, have been following this thread like a hawk! hehe
Jenna looks like good news to me

I got loads of pains a tthe beginning and i am now 28 weeks. Try and rest and take it easy - you certainly deserve a BFP x x x
Whooop Whoop!!!

I'm so chuffed for you Jenna!!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
ooooo Jenna it all sounds good to me.
I had cramps and pains when i first got my BFP........... congrats.
:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

OH Wow Jenna this is looking so good - I mean a line is a line yeah!!!!!!

I'll hold off giving you the whole "Congratulation" treatment as i can tell you are feeling a little unsure about it at the Mo.... So I'll wait till you do that digi girl, but believe me once you confirm it you have got the Biggest Congratulations coming your way!!!

Do you know how many DPO you are? Which might help determine the lines strength etc Or the date of your LMP? (or are your cyles still long)!!

When do you plan to get a digi ( :pray: Please say today!!!!)

So so so so so so so EXCITED for you!!!!!!!!!!!

Iv no idea when i ovulated or when my last AF was :doh: I think last AF was about 7th january but i dont know. If i stop at the supermarket tonight then i'll pick up a digi :D DH is just confused, he checked my test and said 'yeah its + so whats that mean?' :lol: I think where both a bit scared of the disapointment if its a BFN... :hug:

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