Is this a BFP? evap line? Im not sure :(

I see the line too :cheer: :cheer:

My BFP, with the same test kit, was identical to yours!

:hug: :hug: :cheer: :cheer:
Jenna, I don't want to sound negative, and I really hope this is it for you, but I'd feel terrible if you got excited and were then disappointed so I have to warn you. My doctor told me that those internet strips were notoriously unreliable, and that the clinic used to use them but came up with too many false positives and false negatives. He said that if it's a strong line, there's no doubt, but approximately half of the faint lines turned out to be false, and caused a lot of angst. I had had several faint lines and was getting very worried.

Anyway, after reading your post late last night, I thought I'd POAS myself as I had a few left over internet cheapies.

Here's my photo (sorry, it was too late to photograph last night, I can't work out the flash properly!):


Hopefully this has come out properly, but there's a faint line there where I've indicated - even my DH can see it in real life. I am definitely not pregnant - I'm on the third day of my period and my temps have dropped.

Please test using a Clear Blue or FRER, and I really hope it's a BFP for you! I would hate anyone else to go through the two weeks of hell I did when I kept getting faint lines, especially as I'd had a chemical pregnancy a couple of months before.

p.s. sorry if the line doesn't show clearly, I don't have any photo-editing software so can't manipulate the image - and besides, as you'd expect, it's faint!!!
That's interesting Kitty.
I never thought of POAS when def not pg to see what it looks like!
I wouldn't have either, had it not been for my doctor - who was, by the way, very sympathetic and didn't laugh at all about the number of sticks I'd peed on. Just told me to use Clear Blue or FRER in the future because after trying a number of cheap ones in the clinic, they'd settled on Clear Blue (actually, they use Clearview, which is the professional/wholesale brand of Clear Blue) as being the only reliable ones. They'd had a few cases of sending women off for u/s scans after the tests showed faint lines and blood tests had shown negative - obviously there was the concern of an ectopic (which is what I was worried about).

If you get strong lines on an IC, there's no question at all - it's just the 'is it a BFP or an evap?' type of line that causes so much heartache.

FWIW, I also peed on my freebie FRER last night, just to make sure I wasn't going to mislead anyone, and it was white enough to advertise any washing powder...

Anyway - if you buy any FRER product in Boots at the moment, you get a free single FRER HPT. So buy a twin pack for £10, and you get three tests for £3 each.
i really hope this is it for you!

i dont rate the cheapies at all, they gave me lines EVERY month :? but they do work for some people, i think to be sure you should test with another kind of cheapie like asda or tesco?

good luck hun x
Ooh good luck Jenna, hope you get a clearer result. I used 3 cheapies when my period was late and was none the wiser if i was or wasn't as the line was so faint and took ages to appear. However i bought a digital test which came up pregnant :? they're sooooooo expensive thought :eek:
I can see it and hope its a proper BFP line and not the cheapie playing mean tricks.

Test soon with a tesco cheapie or something and good luck! Am praying its a BFP!!! :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:
Jenna!! This is such great news; you really deserve it :hug:

REALLY hoping it's a sticky BFP - best of luck for your digital retest in a few days :hug:
I got my BFP from a cheapie like the one your using. I tested on the Wednesday morning and I was away with work, nothing showed so I just put it in my wash bag & forgot about it till I was unpacking on the Friday evening at home. I pulled it out and saw the faint line. Tested the next morning with a 1st response & BFP.

Good luck hope this is the one for you :cheer: :pray:
Well i only ever got a line when i was pregnant, never had any evaps or anything similar when i wasnt

So looking very good for you jenna :dance: :dance: :dance:

:pray: :pray:

I havnt tested again, i was too scared and wanted to wait so it was darker if it was a BFP. Cant really buy a digital till friday (payday) :hug:

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