Jenna, I don't want to sound negative, and I really hope this is it for you, but I'd feel terrible if you got excited and were then disappointed so I have to warn you. My doctor told me that those internet strips were notoriously unreliable, and that the clinic used to use them but came up with too many false positives and false negatives. He said that if it's a strong line, there's no doubt, but approximately half of the faint lines turned out to be false, and caused a lot of angst. I had had several faint lines and was getting very worried.
Anyway, after reading your post late last night, I thought I'd POAS myself as I had a few left over internet cheapies.
Here's my photo (sorry, it was too late to photograph last night, I can't work out the flash properly!):
Hopefully this has come out properly, but there's a faint line there where I've indicated - even my DH can see it in real life. I am definitely not pregnant - I'm on the third day of my period and my temps have dropped.
Please test using a Clear Blue or FRER, and I really hope it's a BFP for you! I would hate anyone else to go through the two weeks of hell I did when I kept getting faint lines, especially as I'd had a chemical pregnancy a couple of months before.
p.s. sorry if the line doesn't show clearly, I don't have any photo-editing software so can't manipulate the image - and besides, as you'd expect, it's faint!!!