Is there any truth in the myths...


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2011
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...of how you are carrying to if you have a boy or girl?

I'm carrying high, all at the front and from behind I don't look pregnant. I haven't put much weight on else where. I had really bad morning sickness up until 15 weeks but stillget the occassional day now. I don't mind either way but just seems like everyone is saying boy to me.xx
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Im not sure tbh hun... to be blnt I cant see how a baby having a willy or not makes ur bump diff lol.
Im getting lots of boy comments... Im carrying all to the front like u and dont look pg from behind, but my bump is low and I havent had any sickness.
My mum says she carried exactly the same as me! So Im all confused !

I heard a new myth the other day. If the line of hair down ur stomach runs from under ur boobs but veers off to the side before reaching ur belly button, then its a girl. Mines like that.
I don't think there's any truth in the myth, I'm very neat this time round, all bump out front and low, don't look pregnant from the back at all and haven't put on any weight at all anywhere else.... And I'm having a girl. :) last time, with my son, I was huge everywhere, face, arms, bum, hips, everywhere ... So who knows????
I think every pregnancy is carried differently and really doesn't have anything to do with the sex of the baby:)
This is my 4th and my boy and girl I carried the most alike I think I carry pretty much the same every time, I carry a boy bump a big round ball low down but it was no different with my girl xxx
id have said girl from those sypmtoms goin by wifes tales, im not sure i buy into it but Coinkidink or not Im having a girl meeting al the above too :)
My bumps quite high and my middle has thickened but mostly out front and I am team blue....although I still have 5 months for it to change *sigh* xxxxxxxxx
I always kinda think that these sorta things must have originiated from somewhere - meaning that they must be right more than just chance - otherwise they wouldnt stick around.

When I was a tprimary school I remember my mum saying one teacher was having a boy cos she looked pregnant from the back, and the other one was carrying a girl cos she didnt. And mum was spot on - i dunno how basic that explanation was given i was 10 - but my mum seems to be right a scarey amount of the time.

My mum's always right's like they get x-ray vision lol. I agree that these things must have some basis but they seem to change by area too sometimes so it gets confusing. Maybe bumps are further out in the hotter south and further in as you go north....a bit like boys bits in the sea lmao xxxxxxxx

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