Hey girls i know i posted last week was it? i think so were just looking for a little advice ...
Hubby and i are in the process of deciding to TTC again for number 3. i am using spermacide as birth control, well just the three times and wondering if this whole thing is even possible after reading allsorts on google about breastfeeding stopping ovulation.. Well i got my AF three days ago (although all the BF mums are saying its meant to stop AF??) but have been feeling very sick for the past couple of mornings triggered by breakfast and smells by the afternoon it seem to have worn off but it came in waves and i remember that feeling very well. its not possible for me to be pregnant already is it? just a thought ? im kind of shrugging it off right now as a bug or something as im bleeding, it just feels like a huge morning hangover. is this sickness something to do with my period, could breastfeeding make me AF even if i was to fall like the pill did when i fell with 1DD? sorry lots of Qs but im really wondering how BF can make such a difference to your cycle thankyou! x
Hubby and i are in the process of deciding to TTC again for number 3. i am using spermacide as birth control, well just the three times and wondering if this whole thing is even possible after reading allsorts on google about breastfeeding stopping ovulation.. Well i got my AF three days ago (although all the BF mums are saying its meant to stop AF??) but have been feeling very sick for the past couple of mornings triggered by breakfast and smells by the afternoon it seem to have worn off but it came in waves and i remember that feeling very well. its not possible for me to be pregnant already is it? just a thought ? im kind of shrugging it off right now as a bug or something as im bleeding, it just feels like a huge morning hangover. is this sickness something to do with my period, could breastfeeding make me AF even if i was to fall like the pill did when i fell with 1DD? sorry lots of Qs but im really wondering how BF can make such a difference to your cycle thankyou! x