Is she ill or is it just me?! how much do they cry?


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2005
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Freya seems to cry more and more, she seemed so placid at first.
Most days she cries from 6am til lunch and hardly sleeps between and today it has been more or less all day with the odd nap and feeding between, she seems v uncomftable and will go quiet then suddenly let out an enormous scream & continue crying for 10mins or so before starting the cycle again. I wondered if its colic but i thought they got that mainly in the evening... her skin has gone quite blotchy/spotty (not a rash) i cannot work out what is wrong with her.... is this normal ? she seems angry and upset.
She had me up most of night feeding (as usual) and was also particually restless so im shattered, have a headache and feel really down today as i really think im not going to cope. i know i should be really enjoying my baby like so many of you are and wish i was but im really struggling. I feel like driving off and not returning right now. Maybe its me, not her...

I didnt know whether to post or not as dont want to look like attention seeking & i know its just "a bad day" but thought it might help to write down.
Duds of course you should post!!! That's why the forum is here :)

I would say this kind of crying is very normal for some babies, my friend's little boy was a bit of a screamer too :)

Have you tried swaddling or baby massage? Perhaps a sling?

I'm not sure if it could be colic but maybe if you tried winding her as much as you can even in the night, after every few minutes feeding, she might not swallow so much air overnight and be more comfortable in the morning. You'll be able to use gripe water soon and that might help.

In the meantime, don't feel bad about putting her down in her room for a few minutes and giving yourself a break, she won't hurt herself, and you will feel better having a few minutes of peace and a cuppa. Doing this kind of thing doesn't make you a bad mom at all, but a better mom I think, by realising you can get frustrated by it, and taking a few minutes to re-focus can really help.
in reguards to the blotchyness dont worry as willow goes like this when she has a screaming fit bless her, her eyebrows go red and her fore head gos very red and blotchy she looks a right state but nothing to worry about.

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
From weeks 2 to about week 5, Isaac seemed to cry a lot, and wanted to be held and rocked all the time, I'm not entirely sure why, whether that was just his character or a result of the birth, but he has definitely grown out of it and I think it's just because he's more confident now being on his own, and talking to his toys, he seems more content. And he never used to sleep much either which made it feel like it was non-stop, and it's heartbreaking when he would scream, and I felt helpless to soothe him sometimes.

I would just say to get some time away from her each day, honestly it will help keep you sane, sleep when you can, invest in a baby swing, sing to her, and wait because she will get better with time, and always double and triple check for that last burp too, let us know how you and Freya get on :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
It sounds as though it could be colic. I would try infacol as that can be used from birth and it helped us when Jake had colic.
Just wanted to say that Libby was like this on the nights, not colic just really unsettled usually overtired and not knowing what to do with herself, I found a couple of tricks other than swaddling, one was to have her lying face down along my arm and standing up swaying side to side, it always calms her down (still does) the other was to bounce, so we still had the birth ball up, and would sit on that holding her close in to us and bounced on that singing to her, it calmed her down too....took a few minutes but it did work.
If you try something for colic and find its not that then those things might be worth a try.
Glad you posted hun for advice, it can feel lonely when baby cries so much, we are all here for you anytime.
:hug: :hug:
Maia was like this too, she's ok now though. We tried all the over the counter stuff and still use infacol now. At the end of the day I think you just have to tough it out!
does sound like colic as paris used to cry like that too
Ellie used to get colic and it is awful :hug: At its worse she started screaming 1hr after the start of every feed. Thankfully most nights, as long as she got into a deep sleep before the 1hr mark, she slept OK. However after the 3:30am-ish feed she wasn't ready to go straight back to sleep and it would hit her then as well. The only way she could get any relief was being held upright.

We tried infacol, gripe water and dentinox (or something like that). The first 2 made no difference and the third she hated the tast of it. By this point we gave up. I tried cranial osteopath, made no difference either. It is true they do eventually grow out of it, she stopped at the 3month point.

Do try the likes of infacol etc as every baby is difference and fingers crossed they might work for your LO.

One thing that also helped was folder her legs up to her chest 3 times in a row, stroking downward on her tummy for a bit and then folding her legs to her chest again, and repeating that. It is basically stomach cramp they are getting. Also strangley the vacuum cleaner noise helped distract her from it as well.

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