Is she eating enough?

Suzie and Faith

Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Fluff is on 2 'meals' a day. Basically she will have her soya yoghurt at lunch time and at tea time she will have a fruit puree and baby rice. She is now 6 months and 5 days.

I do want to try BLW again (though am PETRIFIED). But we only moved house on Monday and we're still unpacking and getting sorted so i haven't had a chance to cook anything.

Is she getting enough? It doesn't sound much to me but I have no clue what I'm doing!
My LO is only on 2 meals a day, she now gets up quite late, around 9:30am (but today it was 11:30am), by the time she's had her milk she doesn't want anything else. Like Beanie said, if she's happy with it then just go with her.
Milk is the most important thing at this age - just build up the quantity of solids slowly over next few months. (Iron levels tend to drop though after 6 months so maybe try to include some small quantities of iron rich foods such as green veggies, meat or beans/pulses). Hope this helps x
midna said:
My LO is on no meals a day but fine in everyway ..plz dont worry they take what they want and need.

Joe will go a wee while without eating then eat like a horse for a day then stop again. He will eat 4 bananas and 3 yogurts, sausages and bread then done. No food could pass his lips for a day. I think he is a camel.

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