is scan dangerous?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2007
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I just wanted to knoe about ultrasound scanning as i've been having them frequently over here.
I go for private ones once or twice a month and monthly at the hospital they also check the heartbeat through the ultrasound.
i dunno if this is bad for the baby the sonographer and DR both say it doesnt affect baby at all. what do u think im really worried!
As far as i'm aware there haven't been any studies into it (for ethical reasons) but i'm sure they wouldn't do it if it wasn't safe so don't worry :) xx
I'm sure they are fine... I don't think they would scan you so often if they put you or the baby at risk :)
They have been scanning babies for years. The NHS site states somewhere that there is no risk from ultrasound to babies.

I'd stop worrying :hug:

Are you paying for all these private scans though? Cripes if you are, must be getting expensive. Mind me asking if there is a reason to have so many scans or are you just getting peace of mind from them?
Scans cause no harm at all, dont panic, jesus woman you must be spending a fortune though!!!
I dont think you have anything to worry about
they have been doing scans for years and there are plenty of healthy bouncy childeren out there with no ill effect as far as i know.

Wow you must be spending a fortune on those scans i think id have a heart attach thinking about the money.
But good on you if you can afford it
Lol Sarah
Hi ,
private scans are 4d ones i enjoy doing them actually lol although they aren't that expensive i guess 40 per scan!? :think: im not in the uk though at the moment.
The sonographer and Dr would know best, so if they say they are fine, they are fine :D

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