Is My Baby Engaged


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2008
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Hiya, i really feel embarassed asking questions in this forum, this is my 4th baby and i should be an old hand at this pregnancy lark :oops: . the thing is so far i've had 3 induced labours and all my babies didn't engage until actual labour so i've never experienced the feeling of engagement, This LO's head has been down facing for 2 weeks (which is also strange for one of my offspring) and lastnight i feel a very strange sensation of the head going down really far infact i was feeling movement sort of behind my pubic hair (theres loads of it al the moment) :oops: also my heartburn have suddenly gone away, could it be this LO has decided to engage or is it common to feel the head so far down? thanx everyone
I read that only your first baby engages and any other pregnancies they don't engage until the actual labour.
I'm not sure if that is true but it was in one of my many pregnancy books :)
I read that too... just last week. Not that this helps you much... sorry. :roll:
Look lady if im not your not alright !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On a different note, no idea :S
It could be hun, as they say, every pregnancy is different. My first didnt engage till I was in labour, but Ive been having the same sensations as you in the last week so waiting to find out tomorrow at mw appt if bubs is heading for the exit!! :D
It could be. I definately felt my son engage, and it felt similar to how your describing.

I don't believe that about only first babies engage and others don't engage until birth! :think:
this is my third pregnancy and was told baby is engaged i now have to go for a scan to check this one is very different from my other pregnancys as im feeling alot of pressure in between my legs and shooting pains there also when baby moves plus my bump is like a lead weight
I wouldnt have a clue as not done this before, but glad you have relief from HB as that sucks!

Hoping you won't have to be induced this time...

All mine have engaged and im sure this one has too as it is darn uncomfortable down there :lol: I know what you mean its number 4 here too and i have forgot half the stuff too, i keep saying to OH was it like this the last time!!!! :think: I think you forget all the pains and its a good job really, hope it goes well for you :hug:

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