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Is it wrong...??


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2008
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I have just scanned the net and have put my mind at ease now regarding my whole no AF no OV since stopping the pill 2 months ago.

According to a site i found this is perfectly normal and can take 6 months for AF to come back, if any longer see the doc. It also said that when you come off the pill it takes time for OV to come back but if you are ttc to see the doc as they can help you get things moving again. Having only been off the pill 2 months is it wrong for me to tell the doc a white lie and says its been a couple of months longer? Dont want them to send me away and tell me to wait, want them to help straight away!!
(sorry me again) :roll:

I wouldnt if I was you - yes you may get something prescribed a bit quicker but firstly thats not likely as - like you have read on the web a lot of drs wont do anything til youve given yourself 6months to sort yoursefl out and secondly, that isnt always a good thing gettgin things prescribed - if your cycles are settling down without medication its not likely to be the best thing to shove some other hormone pill in there when its not needed - it might mess up your cycle more and make it longer for all you know as your body will now be producing its own hormones and the longer you give it to settle down the quicker it will happen in my opinion - messing with things that dont need to be messed with is not a good idea!

I was worried when I came of the pill that itd take me ages to get into a normal cycle - but it didnt - yes they have all been slightly different lengths - started at 30, then gradually gone down to 26 by the looks of it! but its all fairly regular and its just my body getting used to working properly again.

Like I said in the other post - you dont even need to start worrying yet as if you have an AF next week then itll prove that your body is settling down already and you wont need anything at all.

We are all impatient on here - we all want the same thing and none of us can wait to get it....but giving your body time will help when you do get a BFP as your cycle will be completely natural and it will be the best environment in there for a little peanut to grow
waiting is the most horrid thing - when ttc you spend your life doing it waiting for Af to finish so you can start Bding, wating for ov, waiting for a couple of weeks to see if you have managed to conceive (waiting for Af or BFP) its ALL about waiting.....but the way I see it - as long as it all amounts to something all the waiting will be worthwhile and we'll have little bambinos to look after. :D
mine took 2 months to return it is perfectly normaly

i would just wait i know it hard but it will show soon xx
Babyblues - the other thing I didnt say before....
If/when you do get next AF - have you thought about charting? Its easiest to start on day 1 of AF. You can chart on the Fertility Friend website.
You just have to get a basal thermometer (cheap on ebay) and take your temp when you wake up each morning before you do anything else.
It seems like a bit of a chore at first but then becomes routine - its just that it would tell you whether you were ov (and when) as your temp would rise (and stay up). There are loads of us in chartstalkers to help you with any Qs.
Temping isnt for everyone as some people feel its too much pressure or too obsessive but it has certainly reassured me that I am ovulating at least!
yeah i am trying to chart on my monthly cycles website. added my last AF now waiting on the next!
so do you have a temp chart then or are you just 'charting' as in noting down when your AFs are?
Hi, have you heard of agnus castus? It can help to regulate menstrual cycles. You're right, the Dr will just tell you to wait a bit longer, it is normal to take a while for your cycles to return to normal. I don't know if the agnus castus made a difference for me but I started taking it after stopping the pill and got my first real period a couple wks later (33 day cycle). Good luck!
I think its also called Vitex or chaste tree or something like that.
I dont know much about it.
Some people swear by it and others have had really bad effects from taking it.....a lot of Drs say its not a good idea.

Im sure there will be tons of stuff about it on the net.
I asked my doctor about agnus castus and he said it wasn't a good idea. Said it was like wallpapering over a crack - if it does regulate your cycles, you have no idea what caused them to be off in the first place.

Also, I wouldn't lie to your doctor. Firstly, he/she isn't stupid (well, most of them aren't :twisted: ), and will look at your file to see how long ago and how much your last pill prescription was for. If you got your last 6m prescription 8 months ago and you try saying you've been off the pill for 4 or 5 months, not 2, they will ask you for the remaining pills back to dispose of safely (you should not put them in your bin). If you say you've thrown them away, you'll get a lecture on irresponsible behaviour, and they simply won't believe you (I have a couple of friends who are GPs, and they were talking about the common lies patients tell and how they react - this is a very common one!). Not great if you need them onside later!

Secondly, your period hasn't come back for a reason - probably because the hormones from your pill are still in your body. I was told - both when I started the pill, and when I asked later on - that you should allow up to a year after the pill for your cycles to regulate. Some women are much quicker than that, others take a full year. Depends on your own body, how long you've been taking the pill, etc. Anyway - you don't want to start pumping more crap into your body if it's still trying to get rid of the stuff you've been shoving in it for years!

Offhand I can't remember exactly how long my cycles were when I came off the pill, but it was sth like 67, 57, 45, 50, 42, 35, 33, 33, 33... I was around 31-32 days before going on it. I felt like you to start with, but they do start again and settle down. Obviously, you can conceive as soon as you start ovulating again (12-16 days before your first period), irregular cycles don't stop conception, but you might want to wait a couple of cycles just to give your body time to adjust. Yes, waiting's a pain - but it's worth it! :hug:
Hello thought I would share this with you, I came off the pill in July last year and had AF every month up until Dec, since December I have not had AF. So I went to doctors and they took some bloods from me to test my hormones, the test results came back this week and they look fine but I have got to go back tomorrow to see the doctor to see why my AF has stopped. So maybe the hormones in the pill form 7 months ago is still in my system. So hang on in there girl. :hug: I know it’s a waiting game but it will be worth the wait in the end.

:hug: :hug:

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