Is it too soon?

Little Bump

Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2008
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To be washing the baby things?

I was told by just about everyone that everything needs washing before baby uses it. I'm currently doing a load of bedding I've been given. I've been putting it off for as long as possible but felt I needed to get organised.

The plan was to wash, dry, iron and put it away, but I'm only 35+1 and it suddenly occured to me that it's probably still too early :?

Should I not do anymore? As it may be up to 7 weeks before baby comes...but then it may also be 2 weeks...

What about if I wash it all ready and then if baby isn't here by due date to quick wash everything again to freshen it up?

Ooooooh I don't know!
i washed everything weeks ago, just felt the need to get organised! i think as long as its been washed at some point recently it will be ok. its only going to harm the baby if full of germs and dirt and im sure that wont happen even if you do have another 7 weeks. i wouldnt worry xx
Nope never to early hun, i washed mine about 2 weeks ago and put it all away in storage bags that MIL got me.

They still smell fresh and there clean apart from odd dog hair :lol:

You may aswell get it done as like you said you may come a little early :pray:
MIL washed our baby clothes as soon as we got them, at like 20+ weeks!! :D
Not early at all!! It's far better to be prepared I think... I washed and ironed all mine at about 34 weeks. I feel much better now that everything's all clean and nice smelling for Evie! xx
no course its not, i was washing baby stuff from may when we first started getting the good weather :oops:

my next door neighbour thought i must of been further on than she thought and paniced (nosey woman looking at my washing line) but it was goot to get it all washed and ironed ready :D so go for it!!
I did mine at around 34/35 weeks - I didn't want to get caught out in case he decided to make an early move! :D I was a bit worried about things smelling a bit stale but so far things smell just as fresh as when first washed :)

I only did the newborn and 0-3 stuff (as well as all bedding and nappies) as we have limited space to store clothes. Am hoping he won't need to go straight into 3-6 stuff :lol:
Oh I am glad I don't have neighbours Spritzer lol

When I lived in town in a 'snobby' area I would only hang out the nice clothes lol

I'm so pleased....I can crack on now!!

Mind you, half of me is itching to get my hands on the teensy baby clothes and the other half thinking what a shame to open them.....

Dannii-I typed out a huge long reply to your PM last night then my silly 'pooter booted me....I shall re-do it shortly.

Thankyou all xx
Don't worry hun! With all your animals and house sorting, you must be super busy so don't worry! :hug:

I know what you mean about opening the clothes lol they're folded so neatly and lovely in those little packages, it does seem a shame to open them!

They look even cuter hanging in a wardrobe though! :cheer: xx
:eek: you havent opened the packets yet?? :eek: such self control!!

i used to open then whenever i got home :oops:
i washed it all and put it all away about a fortnight ago - i think when you get the urge to do it you just gotta do it really :D xxxx opening's taken some doing lol but even though they're being washed I couldn't bear the thought of them being dirtied in anyway lol

Though I do have a beautifully presented gift set of hat, mittens, bootees and bib, in a voile bag tied with a ribbon that I carefully untied and neaked bits out to play with lol

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