Is it too early to feel small kicks?


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2011
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Im 15 weeks tomorrow and this is my second pregnancy. i have been feeling butterflies for a while now but the last few days, and esp just now when my oh shone a bright torch on my tummy, i swear i felt a small kick or nudge.

am i just imagining things? x x
Hello, this is my first and I started to feel movement at about 14 weeks now I have one active baby
Definitely not too early! I started feeling little taps at 15 weeks. :)
I could feel little movements from 15 weeks and although their eyes are still shut they can sense light. xxxxxx
They say after your first pregnancy you know what to look out for in the way of movements so i wouldnt say its too early no. Im on my 3rd and felt butterfly flutterings at 12 weeks.. Im now 17 weeks and occasionally he/she will jump around. :)
I wouldn't think so hun. U feel it earlier with ur second. This is my first and I felt him moving around 14 weeks xx
I don't think it's too early, no. Everyone is different. I felt air bubbles from 15wks and a sudden kick at 16wks then all went quiet. By 18wks i was experiencing slight movement some days and not others. By 20wks I felt movement everyday albeit, still slight. This week at the end of wk21 begining my 22ndwk I feel little Chip every morning and throughout the day, into the evenings. Some days can still be a bit quiet with the odd flutter but definate movement mostly everyday now.

A friend of mine didin't experience anything until about 22wks, so it can vary.

When it does happen though it makes you feel all happy inside, an amazing experience! x
Glad im not imagining things hehe.
these feelings are quite low, just above pubic bone. lil raptor did it twice during the night, once made me jump lol, quite unexpected.
i didnt feel my dd until about 18 weeks, hence why i thought i was imagining it.

thank you girls x x
im feeling somthing.... dunno what! LOL like bubbles and always on the left hand side, cant wait to feel proper kicks! :D xx
This is my first and I first felt nudges at 14 was happening last night as soon as oh came home xxxxxxxx
I felt something at 15 weeks as well...nothing regular, but I was sure it was my LO. So it's probably that! :)
I have been feeling things for a few days, only like a small movement, esspecially when i have been sat relaxing. I put my hand there in the hope i will feel it again, but i dont lol xx

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