I did it although lil miss was slightly younger...

Her bottles were introduced by the SCBU the day my milk came in (a really dangerous time as it disrupted my supply) and they made her really ill so around 4 weeks we dropped them completely. She had a bottle after every feed, which I droped to once a day... to nothing.
Newbs should be feeding 12+ in any 24 hour period which means that they will be fussy and feed loads but its totally normal newb behaviour... Just decrease the bottles and just feed, feed, feed... At this age my boob was always in lil miss's head.... This whole idea that babies should be going 3 hours between feeds, sleeping through is just doctrine enforced by a bottle feeding society... formula just kids babies into thinking they are full because its not absorbed properly.
As long as you are mostly bfing you shouldn't have any problems, but expect a few tears your LO is probably used to feeling "full" , even though he's not and gets more nutrition from your boobs

and not having to really work for it as bottle feeding is easier for newbs
I didn't really do all this skin to skin thing... although I took fenugreek, always ate oats for cereal, drank litres and litres of water (although I'm not sure they did much) and just fed and fed and fed and fed... I also co slept which did enormous amounts to help.