Is it possible?


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2005
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I have been giving Kieran one or two bottles of formula a day for just over a week now because he was constantly feeding and fussing when I was trying to breastfeed him and he wasn't sleeping and I thought formula would help but he is still the same anyway so im just wondering if it is possible to go back to exclusive breastfeeding now even though my milk supply has decreased because of the formula? Or is there no chance now?
If you have still been breastfeeding then there is not reason that you can't go back. Just spend a bit of time with him on your boob, let him comfort suck. Have lots of skin to skin. You should get it back in time.
From what i've read the only thing to suggest to get your supply up is lots of skin to skin go to bed with LO for a couple of days and let him have boob whenever he wants. Drink loads of water and think oats help also something else beginning with F fungreek or something like that.. sure someone else will know! Good luck :hug: xx
Hey it's definitely not too late!!! just let him feed when he wants and maybe have a day in bed snuggling at breast. :cheer:
Thanks :D My mum has got Nathan this weekend so I will spend the time letting him feed off me then. Hopefully it will be possible because most of his feeds are still breast. I will get into bed and have a few DVD's ready to watch while he feeds :)
Im sure its possible just let him suck and build the supply up i would drop one bottle at a time though.

I have been giving DD 1 bottle a day and there have been a few times where ive missed a day because ive been out and about and forgot the bottle or she wont let it cool down and ive not had any problems breast feeding for an extra feed.
I did it although lil miss was slightly younger... :D Her bottles were introduced by the SCBU the day my milk came in (a really dangerous time as it disrupted my supply) and they made her really ill so around 4 weeks we dropped them completely. She had a bottle after every feed, which I droped to once a day... to nothing.

Newbs should be feeding 12+ in any 24 hour period which means that they will be fussy and feed loads but its totally normal newb behaviour... Just decrease the bottles and just feed, feed, feed... At this age my boob was always in lil miss's head.... This whole idea that babies should be going 3 hours between feeds, sleeping through is just doctrine enforced by a bottle feeding society... formula just kids babies into thinking they are full because its not absorbed properly.

As long as you are mostly bfing you shouldn't have any problems, but expect a few tears your LO is probably used to feeling "full" , even though he's not and gets more nutrition from your boobs :) and not having to really work for it as bottle feeding is easier for newbs :roll:

I didn't really do all this skin to skin thing... although I took fenugreek, always ate oats for cereal, drank litres and litres of water (although I'm not sure they did much) and just fed and fed and fed and fed... I also co slept which did enormous amounts to help.
He normally only has the one bottle a day anyway so hopefully it shouldn't too much of a problem to go back to breast :)

He still fusses after his bottle anyway so I think he just likes fussing in the evening :lol:

I already co-sleep with him now so night feeding is no problem, I just let him feed as often as he likes then and fall back to sleep :lol:

When can I get fenugreek from? It's worth giving that a try :)
Agree with everyone on here. Yes it's def possible - just feed feed feed boob boob boob.

Fenugreek can be bought from health food shops or online pharmacy's
Thanks :)

Will Holland & Barratt sell it? Im going to town tomorrow so could get some if they sell it.
Rachel said:
When can I get fenugreek from? It's worth giving that a try :)
If you PM me your address I can send you a bottle i had left over. I got it in Holland and Barratt but don't want it to go to waste!

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