Is it possible...


Aug 13, 2010
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.... to have pregnancy symptoms a week or 2 before you can test ?

I still have about 5 days before I can test and get a proper reading, but the last 3 days I have been off my food but the smell of cheerios is great ! My lower back is killing me, and I was almost sick this morniing. With my last 2 the only symptoms I had was going off food. But is it too early to tell ? I had flu last week, so it could be that coming back....
ive been having them for around 2-3 weeks the same as you! i had 2days of bleeding n then nothing did a test was positive then negatives after i hope you get ur bfp am off to the doctors today as am now 12days past my period good luck

baby dust xx
yes definately, I had lower back pains as well as period-type pains in my stomach a week before my BFP, also bloating so hopefully this is a good sign for you! Fingers crossed! :)
Hi, just to say I was light headed all day so did a test. I knew I shouldn't as it was half way through the day and it was a negative so we have decided to wait till we are on holiday next thursday and try and test again...
hi scampi...i too understand ur frustraition on having to wait the last week ive been having lower back pain, nausea, stomach cramp and bloating i also only had a 2day period did a test the day after i stopped and it was negative but these symptoms came after so im waiting for my period which is another week & a half away...i just want to know now lol xx

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