Is it ok?


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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Emily has just started solids. She had some mashed banana yesterday :) my mum has had her today and gave her 2 little spoonfulls of the strawberry innocent smoothie???

I have looked on the carton and it is just about 5 different fruits and NOTHING else. Is it ok for her to have it do you think???

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5 months? Reason I'm asking us that her leg has gone very red and blotchy but she suffers from excema and I think it might be a coincidence?

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Oh right should be ok just keep an eye on her would imagine it would have come out back/tummy if it was a reaction x
There's certain things like strawberries you shudnt give anyway x x
I would say its fine, but maybe just offer one thing at a time because shes so sensitive. Then if she is having a reaction then youll know exactly which one it is :) Its what Im doing with Paige. xx
I would say its fine, but maybe just offer one thing at a time because shes so sensitive. Then if she is having a reaction then youll know exactly which one it is :) Its what Im doing with Paige. xx


Often an allergy to strawberry or tomato can cause a red blotchy kind of rash
Ooh after three kids I dint know that! Top tip :D shall take that on xxxx
Thanks girls, her leg is better today. Think it was just a little attack of her excema xxx

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just to let you know, my dad is allergic to red foods eg strawbs and jelly and red food dye and stuff, any time he eats it he swells up and he gets real bad breathing difficulties. just a warning to say some people do get it, but i think its a good idea to try it with little uns to see if they are allergic or not! glad shes ok xxx

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