Is it OK to mix breast and formula?

Anna B

Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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I have just read that it is hard to express in the first few weeks after birth, and while I really want to breast feed, I don't want sole responsibility for feeding, I want OH and family to be able to help out (so they can bond too). So if I can't express, will it be OK to give formula in a bottle til I am able to?
I understand what you are saying, but in the first few weeks - baby is still learning how to breastfeed and bottle feeding can confuse them.
I would recommend solely breast feeding for the first few weeks so baby has got the hang of it, before introducing bottles.
I gave a mixture of both from day 1 as breastfeeding was so sore and i also like you wanted hubby to have a go (especially at the night feeds!) It didn't upset my son in any way despite midwifes clear disapproval. I did only manage to breastfeed for 6 weeks tho before switching totally to formula, as my boobies were so so sore despite his latching on perfectly. And he is a well adjusted little boy so far touch wood! My best advice would be to go with exactly what feels right for you, regardless of any other advice! Good luck x
I am expressing and formula feeding, around 50/50. Only been a week but so far she seems happy.
I made the mistake of expressing early and developed mastitis, is it not a good time to stop breastfeeding if you have this condition?
No way hun, it will get worse, as your breasts will be so full!!! keep putting LO to both breasts, just perserver :D
Also rearding the question about mix feeding is you will proberly not be able to breasfeed for long because your milk wont be esablished as youll be feeding formula too.

Your breasfeeding relationship with your child will end after a short period, its all or nothing as far as im concerned but that just my opinion.

Its hard work but the rewards at the end are just truely wonderfull :D
I breastfed for four weeks and then I started mixing breast and formula. The only thing with mixing is that you stop producing enough milk and then like me you might dry up (I did when Jake was about 8 weeks old) and have no choice but to formula feed. It might be ok if you just give one formula feed a day but I wouldn't really suggest formula feeding anymore than that if you want to beable to breastfeed for quite a while.
Tasha20 said:
Also rearding the question about mix feeding is you will proberly not be able to breasfeed for long because your milk wont be esablished as youll be feeding formula too.

Your breasfeeding relationship with your child will end after a short period, its all or nothing as far as im concerned but that just my opinion.

Its hard work but the rewards at the end are just truely wonderfull :D

ditto to that, your body works on a supply and demand basis and if you are giving formula then your milk supply will drop.
I express to give breast feed through the day and forumla feed at night which comes to 3 formula, but I get up when OH does one of the night feeds and express, then express first thing, and my milk seems to be over producing! Im now getting 6oz out in about 10-15 min!

The problem I have is Oran wont latch on, even the MW couldnt get him on so she suggested a nipple sheild which worked great, then last tues we noticed him blue all round his mount, and ended up in hospital for 24 hours, he turned out ok and the said either reflux or my huge boobies were smothering him, I kept mentioning the sheild and no notice was taken. I came home and expressed and gave him the BM through a bottle since then and the blue ness went, today I thought Id give him real boobie and wouldnt latch on (I didnt expect him to) so I used the sheild and low and behold the blue ness came back so now its express for me and if the milk dires up ill have to go to formula.
SarahB said:
Tasha20 said:
Also rearding the question about mix feeding is you will proberly not be able to breasfeed for long because your milk wont be esablished as youll be feeding formula too.

Your breasfeeding relationship with your child will end after a short period, its all or nothing as far as im concerned but that just my opinion.

Its hard work but the rewards at the end are just truely wonderfull :D

ditto to that, your body works on a supply and demand basis and if you are giving formula then your milk supply will drop.

That doesn't sound too bad then. OH will be at work most of the time, and so won't be able to do too many feeds as it is, but one a day would be lovely for him (and a break for me!) I will try to express to keep the flow up even when he is feeding though, then I'll have some spare stuff for him to feed later, or for me to use if I go out :D

Thanks everyone :hug:
i want to do this too... but i think i will wait untill she 2 months maybe... or later but i do want OH to feed her when she's a newborn tho
Anna B said:
SarahB said:
Tasha20 said:
Also rearding the question about mix feeding is you will proberly not be able to breasfeed for long because your milk wont be esablished as youll be feeding formula too.

Your breasfeeding relationship with your child will end after a short period, its all or nothing as far as im concerned but that just my opinion.

Its hard work but the rewards at the end are just truely wonderfull :D

ditto to that, your body works on a supply and demand basis and if you are giving formula then your milk supply will drop.

That doesn't sound too bad then. OH will be at work most of the time, and so won't be able to do too many feeds as it is, but one a day would be lovely for him (and a break for me!) I will try to express to keep the flow up even when he is feeding though, then I'll have some spare stuff for him to feed later, or for me to use if I go out :D

Thanks everyone :hug:

I was like you too and alot of mums, and thought about OH feeding her and thinking about him bonding with her.

But to be honest its easier for me to feed her, establish a routine and be a mum, He gets his quality time with her and bond with her, but just in other ways.

There is no need to worry about that, the first few months are hard a tiring, get your OH to the bum change, get the bath ready, washin, cooking, while you concentrate on feeding your little bundle.

I get my own mental free time about 1hr aweek now :lol: , but you know its only one year of my life that im feeding her for and its really not a problem, its all for this important little person that needs its mummy :D

And shes definatly worth every sore nipple and wet top :lol:

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