Is it obvious when babies head engages?


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2006
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In the last week or so I have so much pressure on my bladder and low down, I need to go wee so often and sometimes I feel like I really need to go (especially when Im stood up) but when I go to the loo I hardly go at all and still feel like I could do with going, baby has always largely been quite low down I've not felt a kick in the ribs and I don't feel my lungs are squashed up I did start to get chest pains and difficultly breathing a short while ago but that all has eased totally now baby was head down at my 21 week scan and has been at every appointment since then. I thought it was too early for baby to be starting to engage but just read that baby could start to engage as early as 33 weeks and I am 32+5 so not far off, how does it feel when baby engages?
Midwife said she's 2/5 engaged and I need the loo everytime I stand up with only a little bit coming out. I also feel her on my bowel when I'm sat on a hard chair. Still walking around ok, I thought I would walk like John Wayne but have been fine. Found breathing easier in the last 2 weeks which is great and bump is definitely lower. I don't get any rib kicks but that's because her feet are by her face.
I'm a bit unsure on this too but am assuming Dexter's engaged now because for the past week or two my bump has been feeling much heavier at the bottom......weeing is still the same but I've been weeing like a good'un all the way through! What sealed it for me was that some old women stopped me in town yesterday and asked when I was due and said my bump was very low, it looked like I was about to drop any minute :lol:
When I had my son, I felt him move down as he engaged at 35 weeks which was confirmed fully engaged by my MW.

But I don't think it's common to feel anything other than a heavier/pressure feeling after they've engaged.
Hiya hun i have exactly the same things going on as you but she is 5/5 so not engaged at all, i think its just they are bigger now and taking up more room down there :hug:
I've been looking this up recently and it sounds just like they describe! Yeah it's totally possible to engage at your stage. My Mum engaged at 32 weeks with me and my friend (who's son was a stubborn week late in May) was engaged at almost 34 weeks so it could well be!

I've been feeling LOADS of pressure recently "down there" and it can be pretty uncomfortable at times but MW has said she's not engaged until this point (I'll find out tomorrow). I have a feeling she's not engaged though :think:
Thats girls! :hug: I don't see midwife now for another 3 weeks so will have to just wait til then to find up what shes up to! :lol: I only had to get up for the loo about 4/5 times in the night last night which was good for me after the 7 times night before :rotfl:
I thought I was at least somewhat engaged because everything looks low and I feel such relief around my ribs, but my notes from the other day say free. :( I'm very surprised because I can definitely feel pressure behind my pubic bone... Oh, well...

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