is it normal?


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2011
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is it normal to feel this nauseous and tired.

i feel sick all the time and can hardly eat, although im trying. if i move too much then i feel even worse. i havn't actually been sick though.

i sleep until about 1pm, and then have to lay down throughout the day.
i suffer from insomnia, and have done for a while, but i still have never slept during the day. its really quite disabling.

has anyone experienced anything like this?
because its my first pregnancy, i am panicking about every little thing!
sorry if this sounds silly :oooo:

Hey yes my nausea started at about 5 weeks and it was awful i couldnt even move i just tryed to stay as still as i could in bed to stop it. about a week or too later my morning (and evening and nightime sickness) started and my nausea eased off a bit.

i also sleep alot. i have allways had a problem with sleeping at night and usally dont go to bed till around 3am. but i find myself falling asleep at 8pm now adays.

its also my 1st pregnacy, alot of it is your body ajusting, belive me my body hates being preggo.

But the sicker you feel the better they say as its a v good sign to feel sick.


jade x
Hiya, I've had waves of nausea, but think it'll kick in properly later. I have been extremely tired though. I feel like I could literally sleep all day, and I just can't do anything at the moment. Hubby keeps saying that I should listen to my body as it obviously needs the sleep - but that's kind of impossible when there is a class of 30 kids to keep occupied. Oh how I wish I was going back to my snuggly bed haha
Totally normal hun. I feel sick allll the time, well virtually all the time, I get a break occassionally!

And I can't sleep properly either.

But I can eat... omg I can eat lol If I eat I don't feel sick, which is not good coz I want to eat all the time lol
I am tired all the time and I listen to my body when I can and have wee lie down in the afternoon. Then when I go to bed at night I waken at about 3am for a pee and then lie awake for ages. Apparently this all settles down - cant wait til it down.

I get waves of nausea alot of the time. I do get some days off. :-) Food just doesn't have the same appeal anymore. Don't get me wrong I want to eat but nothing tastes as it should :-(
Hi! Yes its totally normal, infact its meant to be a good sign! I am tired all the time and I sleep half the day while I am not at work and then as soon as I stand up and walk around I get awful nausea and have to run and throw up, I can only eat before about 4 pm and then all I can eat is fruit, childrens fromage frais yoghurts(the animal ones!) and dry crackers! I have had it for over 4 weeks now, I am hoping it will go away soon!
Hope you start to feel a bit better soon! :oooo: xxx
past few days ive not been able to stay awake past 9pm its like its hit my like a train recently and food well everything in sight and then i feel sick but no sickness just one day so far.Also woke up with a cracking headache and not sure what to take?
u can take paracetamol safely in pregnancy, or use the 4head stick thing! I find that helps when I get a headache xx
yep, sickness all day, i try a eat small and often, normal chocolate cause its helps SO much, but an apple/pear/carrot etc. the more hugry i get the more i feel sick.
Oh the headaches, 5days on the run, and sunday had a banging migrane.
im hopeing it will wear off soon.
im lucky i work in my familys business so i can take time off or put my head down at my desk for 10mins etc.
thanks everyone :)

ive been drinking green tea with lemon. all i can cope with is cheese puffs at the moment! but its not good to just eat those.

angie, im the same! the hungrier i get, the sicker i feel :(
my body is not agreeing with this baby! or vice versa! lol
I've been feeling like that for a few days except I can't sleep, I found ice lollies I feel ok and am now wondering why lol....I complain when I sick and complain when I'm not...doing bfs head in lol

i can only manage an hour or so downstairs before having to come up and lie down for a few hours. half tiredness, half nausea.

its really interfering with everything! i cant go anywhere, and ive missed all my therapy groups this week, except a meeting which i HAD to go to. so really not good.....

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