Is it normal...


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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0 feel less kicks as baby gets bigger? I have googled it but cant find anything :mad:

For about a week now I have been feeling alot less kicks and just moving around? It used to be that as soon as i lay down within a few mins bub was kicking and I could see my tummy jumping around but now I can be lying for a good half hour and just feel some feeling of movement in there? Tummy still moves around but not as much?

is it because bub is getting bigger? x
I would expect so, maybe bubs has changed position so the hard kicks are towards your back? I only get kicks on one side but sometimes it's more like bubs rumbling around. As long as you're feeling movement then that's good. Bubs legs will be a lot more squashed now too. When is your next MW appointment? They would be able to tell you what way baby is lying. Definately give them a phone though if you are worried, especially if movements decrease.
Thanks megs, I suppose it makes sense as bub doesnt have as much space to give me bigs kicks. I thought the movements was decreasing tbh but it may just be as they are different kinds of movements? Seeing the consultant on weds so will ask then. x
I get some quiet days too where there's movement but not as strong. Usually makes up for it the next day. Ah that's handy having an appointment so soon, but phone before then if you are worried!
My kicks are in a regular pattern still and i can tell bubs is head down. I think you are supposed to feel ten kicks a day, but if you are worried speak to your mw. It maybe that bubs has moved and is kicking placenta muffling big kicks. I have to say i am feeling more arm movements now and not so many kicks but during scan babes was playing with feet so it makes sense that they are more squashed up and so don't move about more. x

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