Is it normal to feel this low?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2013
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I spent the vast majority of yesterday bawling my eyes out. I haven't been overly hormonal throughout the pregnancy but I just felt so down and crappy yesterday. It's not even that I'm overdue that's getting me down, in fact there's so much going on right now id rather baby waited a couple more days!

It's mainly that I'm still having to go up and see to my horses every day. I was planning on paying someone to do them for me from last week up until 4-6 weeks after baby is here but one of them is poorly and the vet has had to come out everyday plus because he's ill they're having to stay in their stables rather than being able to go out in the field during the day which means that they need their stables cleaned out, hay and water done etc twice a day rather than the usual once and apparently when I pay for them to be looked after for me it only includes once a day!

I ended up going there 3 times yesterday and when the vet turned up and 2 seconds later then got called away on an emergency I literally had a major breakdown! I've just had enough, I need and want to be concentrating on my baby right now and looking forward to him arriving and instead I'm stressing about the bloody horses! I sent an email to the yard owner lat night to ask if under the circumstances I can just pay extra for them to be done completely for me as I'm struggling now and when baby arrives there's no way I'll be able to go there - just waiting for her to get back to me.

Sorry for the rant - now I've got that off my chest I'm going to try and get back to sleep :nap:
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Ah hun, I think it's normal to have emotional days especially when you have a lot going on. Hopefully the stables will be able to help you out. Big hugs x x x
Have you thought about having a sharer for the next 6 months? It might help you get through the difficult patch until you are in a good routine with baby?
Your bound to feel overwhelmed when your still doing so much! Hope you get someone to help you hon so you can get your feet up x x

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