Is it normal to feel like this?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Hi Everyone!
As some of you will know, I haven't had a booking appointment yet. My first appointment and scan is on Wednesday. I'll be 16 + 2.

I've managed to convince myself that there is going to be something drastically wrong. Down's, spina bifida, everything has gone through my mind.

I even had a dream that on the scan the baby showed as only 6 weeks old, with no arms!!!

I went to the baby show at the Glasgow SECC at the weekend with my mum and dad. I saw lots of lovely things, but don't want to even think about putting any plans into action until I know things are ok.

How on earth am I meant to sleep on Tuesday night??

Also, I feel as if all I do is moan on this forum, and hope that after Wednesday I can actually start to enjoy this pregnancy!

LaineyG said:
I've managed to convince myself that there is going to be something drastically wrong. Down's, spina bifida, everything has gone through my mind.
I even had a dream that on the scan the baby showed as only 6 weeks old, with no arms!!!

Its natrual to feel this way, but please dont, you will get yourself in a tissy, i often have dreams that something isnt right, but i tell myself untill you have seen things on a scan or been told, not to worry about it.. i know its easier said than done but dont worry ok...

Big hugts and i hope all goes ok on wednesday.. and yes you will enjoy your pregnancy once you have actually seen your lo.. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
As sunshinestars said it perfectly normal to worry and everyone does it, i was really scared of having my scan last friday as this baby hardly kicks me and i never felt this one till later on not like my others so was really worried something may be wrong but all looked normal, do try not to worry yourself im sure everything is perfect with baby :hug:
Yup i'm the same i've got my scan tomorrow morning and i'm kakking it that they are going to tell me something is wrong, guess its mother hood starting as she means to go on :wall:
oh gosh this feeling never stops.... i always think my LO has no face, arms and legs...

even tho i have seen them and the fact that they would of point this out to me when i had my scans....

hun if anything it just gets worse... but it's natural to feel like that

and don't worry about moaning, where here to help eachother :wink:

:hug: :hug:

good luck hun you'll be fine :D
Thanks girls!

I've got this week off work, which I'm now beginning to regret as I've got more time to think about mutant babies!

Has anyone got a time machine? Not got much on between now and Wednesday 10:30, so if someone could fast forward till then it would be much appreciated!!

:rotfl: :rotfl:

:rotfl: dont wish it away too quick lol

spend time on here it soon passes... :hug: :hug: :hug:

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