is it normal to feel like this?


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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when i found out i was pg 2 other members of the family also announced their pregnancies, one was due a week before mine and the other was 2 wks after so thought it would be nice for us all, but i had a missed miscarriage and theirs have progressed without any cause for concern, my SIL gave birth last week and my other SIL is due in a few wks time,
i am happy for them but i cant go and see the baby cos i know i should be 37 wks pg now i should be the one gearing up to give birth and have a new arrival, i just feel really low these last few days realising that i should be heavily pregnant :cry:

sorry for the long moan

I dont think there is anything strange in feeling like that. You just have to be sure that your tension doesnt effect you physically. If your ttc then it might have an impact. Just try and relax and stay calm. I know its easier said than done but try and protect your emotions as much as possible.


PS My brother is getting married next month and his partner is SO excited about ttc as soon as they are hitched.......i would be pleased if she got pg but i must admit i dont know how i would cope!!
oh hun i kinda understand what you mean a close friend of mine has just had a baby and she has asked me to go and see the new 4 week old arrival but she doesnt know what happened to me didnt want to worry her as she was about to give birth so i dont know how i will handle that.

It will take time hun, do you have to go and see the new arrivals could you not put if off for a bit? They may understand it wont be easy for you at this time.

What every you do make sure it is right for you! Sending you lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: x x

Seems quite normal hun i am sorry you have to go through this .
My friend was due at around the same time as me but when pregnant had a miscarriage for her third time :( she said it was so hard going into see Kiara when she was first born. Im sure it will take time hun :hug:
:hug: :hug: :hug: I think it is normal, but you are doing very well to keep your emotions under control really,, good for you doll :hug: Be kind to yourself, you need and deserve it...
Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
:( I went through similar when two good freinds of mine who were sisters both had babies when mine would have been due ( I lost her at 22 weeks) I just didn`t think about it and went round to see them like i would normally,and I found that I was so pleased for them, that for about 20 minutes, I forgot to think of what might have been. Also, I thought "well this isn`t my baby" I think that I might have been in denial , putting on a brave face, and blocking out my feelings to save face, and I have had to learn how to make people feel comfortable around me because they get very embarassed. I have actually had people who I know fairly well virtually ignore me because they can`t face me and don`t know what to say, so I pretend that I am not as upset as I really am just to make these awkward situations easier for everyone. I greive by myself in private.

I bet the family are feeling it for you too, and are very aware that you are going through it. Would it be possible to meet the new arrivals quietly rather than in front of an audience, there`s nothing worse than pity in these situations.

If you are trying again, you might find it easier once you are pregnant to cope with this situation.

It is so difficult, and no right and wrong way to deal with it, do what you feel most comfortable with.

Best of luck, :hug:

Jane XX
thanks so much for your replies, i've done it and the baby is beautiful and i felt ok after going, it was hard but what in life isn't really :?

i think it really helped gettin it out of my system on here so thanks again.

was a bit tearful this morn as an alarm on my phone went off sayin lyns baby guess, but we're now past all the biggest hardest steps its all positive thoughts again
hi hun im glad that everything went ok you were really brave and i bet your glad you went.

All you have to do is take one step at a time every day it is hard but you will get there. Things will come up from time to time and set you back a bit but you will get through this we all will get through this :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: x x

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