Yeap, I have been told to wait for a cAll around 12 weeks for the scan and first midwife appt.
I noticed on the NHS pregnancy site, it mentioned a test is meant to be done before 10 weeks pregnancy .... I copied this from the NHS SITE..
All pregnant women in England are offered a blood test to find out if they carry a gene for thalassaemia, and those at high risk of being a sickle cell carrier are also offered a test for sickle cell. If the mother is found to be a carrier, screening is also offered to the father.
This test should be offered before you're 10 weeks pregnant. It's important the test is done early – if you find out you're a carrier, you and your partner will have the option of further tests to know if your baby will be affected.
So what happens to us all that don't see a midwife until 12 weeks.. is