Is it just me who finds these really really.... really scary


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2008
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Even more scarily the first one if ound a pic of has my name :shock: :shock:
Reborn baby dolls, the more real they look the scary they are in my eyes, does anyone else not really get the appeal or is it just me ?

How real do they look !!!


Me no likey them either!!

I have a fear of dolls too, Arianna only gets dolls that the eyes don't blink on as the scare the bejesus out of me... right back to as long as I remember I have hated them!! *bleeuuggghhh*
ERRR, No, not for me...I find them really unpleasant too...give me the willies, quite frankly!

I remember the programme on TV about them, was scary but also quite sad. One woman was going to Harrods etc and spending HUNDREDS of pounds buying designer clothes for it and I think she travelled all the way to the USA to get it (only to find it had flaws). Another woman who had practically raised her grandson bought one as her daughter had emigrated to Oz and taken her son with her.

They really creep me out.
I love them, my daughter has one she is beautiful :D
They are okay if they are viewed as dolls but when people start treating them as babies, thats not right. I saw that programme too, the woman that went to America had 3 Emmaljunga prams at home, the white leather ones.
I'm going to voice a taboo... But for me, they kinda look like dead babies, which I think is what really creeps me out about them. They are very beautiful, but they would be cold to the touch, non moving, and sometimes the way their skin and eyes are painted are the same hues of that if a baby had just passed away... its horrible to think of.. I could never touch one. It would make me :cry:
I don't like them. Nor did I like the programme that was on about them a few months back about them. The husband of one of the nutters that collected them (she had LOADS and was trying to replace her Grandson who had moves to a different country... even had it made to LOOK like him at birth) said that they looked as though they belonged on a slab... meaning the morgue.

They are way too creepy for me... :? :?
I think the way people see them as babies is sad but they are made of rubber and are dolls and my daughters has always been treated as such.
I still like them :lol:
Mmm.. I rmbr watching the program about them!! Very strange!

One of those women had spent a fortune, had different wheels for her buggy, like, going out wheels and in the house wheels... ODD!!

I can appreciate that they look very realistic etc, but... kind of freaky. They have ones that breathe too...!!
Nope they scare me as well!!

I saw that programme too and in a way I felt sorry for her but then on the other hand she freaked me out!
Squiglet said:
I'm going to voice a taboo... But for me, they kinda look like dead babies, which I think is what really creeps me out about them. They are very beautiful, but they would be cold to the touch, non moving, and sometimes the way their skin and eyes are painted are the same hues of that if a baby had just passed away... its horrible to think of.. I could never touch one. It would make me :cry:
Thats how i feel about them too.
My friend had one made from a photo of her daughter who passed away at 2 months. She has the reborn doll laying in her daughters moses basket, sometimes in the livingroom, sometimes in the nursery. It breaks my heart everytime i see it :( I dont think its helping her at all.
Melanie said:
Squiglet said:
I'm going to voice a taboo... But for me, they kinda look like dead babies, which I think is what really creeps me out about them. They are very beautiful, but they would be cold to the touch, non moving, and sometimes the way their skin and eyes are painted are the same hues of that if a baby had just passed away... its horrible to think of.. I could never touch one. It would make me :cry:
Thats how i feel about them too.
My friend had one made from a photo of her daughter who passed away at 2 months. She has the reborn doll laying in her daughters moses basket, sometimes in the livingroom, sometimes in the nursery. It breaks my heart everytime i see it :( I dont think its helping her at all.
To be honest i think that is bit macabre and kinda takes it away from being a dolly :?
Very sad i suppose :(
Are they those 'real dolls'? I watched a programme about them too. The people who bought them on the programme seemed a bit bit strange. Like the woman who loved her grandson so much that it hurt her when he moved abroad with his mum. So she got a doll made to how he looked when he was a newborn!
Can you imagine pushing the pram and explaining it to a passer-by?? They have them put in car seats and everything! Honestly, i think they are terrifying! Very, very clever, but still terrifying!
Squiglet said:
I'm going to voice a taboo... But for me, they kinda look like dead babies, which I think is what really creeps me out about them. They are very beautiful, but they would be cold to the touch, non moving, and sometimes the way their skin and eyes are painted are the same hues of that if a baby had just passed away... its horrible to think of.. I could never touch one. It would make me :cry:

I thought this too! But wasn't sure whether to say anything in case it upset anyone, when that guy was holding the baby in the supermarket it looked like James did when he stopped breathing, the way the doll moved was the same :cry:
Squiglet said:
I'm going to voice a taboo... But for me, they kinda look like dead babies, which I think is what really creeps me out about them. They are very beautiful, but they would be cold to the touch, non moving, and sometimes the way their skin and eyes are painted are the same hues of that if a baby had just passed away... its horrible to think of.. I could never touch one. It would make me :cry:

That's exactly what my OH thought of them when we watched that program.....

I think they are amazing as in they are well done but I wouldn't want one around me as it would just freak me out I think!!

The thing that freaked me out was the fact that they had heat things and breathing things in them which made them even more real!!!
schcaaaaary dolls, far too real lookin for my liking :talkhand:
Squiglet said:
I'm going to voice a taboo... But for me, they kinda look like dead babies,
I agree! My little cousin has one and it really scared me when I first saw it! My mum also thought the same and cried her eyes out when she first saw it! (she said it reminded her of my sister who died before birth) Though they are amazing how realistic they are! I did say I was going to make on for my daughter!

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