is it just me.... (please help)


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
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or has anyone else suffered with really irregular cycles since coming off the pill??? (cerazette for me)
mine are all over the place, i have a 15day cycle, then to 20, then 15 then 26 then 17 then 32 then 15 etc....all i want is for it to settle down so i can get pregnant!!!

i dont think its got anything to do with me worrying about it, coz i really dont, i just lump it when she turns up!

does anyone know if there is anything i can do??? i haven't been to see my dr, infact he doesnt even know im not on the pill! think i should go tell him really!!!

any help would be great!

Chloe xxx
hun not sure about anything you can do but mine have been totally all over the place since i came off in December xxx
yea, haven't yours been really long??? i think i could handle that! 15 days is killing me, feels like i never stop bleeding!

i thought it would take a while ttc, but 9months wasn't what i was expecting!!! lol!

i know waht u mean hun its been 6 months this week since we started too feels like a lifetime, yeah mine have bee really long hun, one was 41 days!!! :shock:
blimey! i feel lucky to have had a 'long' one at 32 days!!!

i so hope its not long now! did you see your doc about coming off the pill??? have they helped you much???

nope... thought he mite tell me not to so didnt bother! but have seen him recently and when he asked how i was getting on with it i said ok!!! so duno what to say now if i do go see him, coz i lied!!! :?

but feel like i need to see him now! hopefully he will help!
hunny if you want to go then go he wont mind just tell him you were a bit worried when you last saw him thats why u said it was fine and tell him how you are feeling. but remember hunny some people take a long time to concieve that is why im giving myself a year before i go to doctors xxx
yea true!! i think i am defo gona book an app now, need to get it sorted i think!!!

and, i only just came off 3days ago, but im havin cramps already....hope she eint gona appear again!!! :(

thanks for your help hunny, will let ya kno what the dr says!

chloe123 said:
yea true!! i think i am defo gona book an app now, need to get it sorted i think!!!

and, i only just came off 3days ago, but im havin cramps already....hope she eint gona appear again!!! :(

thanks for your help hunny, will let ya kno what the dr says!


yeah let me know hunny what Dr says and good luck babes im sure everythings fine - dont worry :D
Hi, mine have been bizarrely regular at 32 days exactly since coming off the pill in February. I was on microgynon 30. Is there any evidence that it is easier to get pregnant while having regular cycles? Or is it just that if you are regular it is easier to predict ovulation?

Good luck at the docs :D
Hiya, just reading your posts and feeling jealous cos my cycles are just getting longer and longer :(
I came off microgynon30 in september, the first few were about 30 days but since xmas they have been longer, last one was over 60 days! am trying not to worry too much, everyone says it can take up to a year to get them regular specially if you have been on pill for long time. I was on it for 9 years. I'm on day 25 now and not ovulated yet so looks like another long one!
I started temping this cycle so hoping that might help me see whats happening, it feels like forever since september but its not that long really, i agree with miss G and will wait a year before seeing the doc, but i will be going armed with my charts when (if!) I do!! :D

Good luck girls - it will happen for us all when the time is right!
Hi Chloe,

I was on cerazette too, and came off them in Jan and my cycles are around about 32/33 day's now so each month they seem to be getting longer by a day.. Just thought i'd let you know...

I've just had a thought. I remember reading something in "Taking Charge of Your Fertility" where a woman thought she was having her period every two weeks but she was actually bleeding when she ovulated. Have you done any tests for ovulation? The 15 day cycle could be your luteal phase after ovulation which would mean your cycles are actually quite long.

Might be worth popping along to see your doctor.

Good luck

Sus x :hug:
thanks girls!

sus, i never thought of that!!! just presumed that it was a period!!!

well, i managed to get a dr's app this morning, so hopefully he will help me!!! unless he kills me for not telling him last time i saw him! lol!

will let you know how i get on at 11.30.

well, im still alive!!! he didnt mind that i didnt tell him about coming off the pill before!

he said i need to give it a bit longer for them to settle down, as i am not having any other symptoms like pain when bd'ing, discharge etc.
said to come back upto 6months time if im not pregnant, and then they will run tests! i do like my dr, he is such a nice, down to earth guy! (not like the other dr's at my surgery!)

well, i hope they settle down now that he has put my mind at rest!!!

Hiya, thats good, you probably will settle down now your not so worried. Your doc sounds lovely, why arent they all like that!!
Good luck ttc

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