is it ectopic??


Mar 5, 2014
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Hi, I'm only 4w6d but I'm having constant pulsating on the left and I think the left side might look tiny bit swollen:(

My bets are:

14dpo ( or 16dpo ) 324
18dpo ( or 20dpo ) 1567

I wouldn't call the pulsating a pain but it's definitely noticeable.
Anyone had something similar and it turned out to be OK?
I'm a nervous wreck now, can't stop worrying:((
I did have some discomfort that I saw docs about at around 5 weeks, just like cramp on one side and all was ok. The nurse said ectopic if normally quite painful but if in any doubt go see doc or call at least to put mind at ease or get checked out x
hi mina, ive had an ectopic and they are extremely painful and usually come with some brown or pink spotting, go to your doctors and ask for an early scan if you are worried. but, at this stage and all the way through pregnancy, you will always have aches and pains because there is so much going on, im 17 weeks tomorrow and still get them xxx
Isn't the extreme pain a sign that the tube ruptured though?

I don't want to get to that stage:(
I went to see a doctor today but she wasn't concerned about it :/
She refered me to an early pregnancy unit for more hcg blood test and after that they will decide whether to do an early scan.
If not my first scan will be on 31st of March so it's still 3 long weeks away...

I still feel the pulsating but the swollen bit doesn't look like it's getting bigger.
nope, mine didnt rupture and i was in agony, i was about 8 weeks along tho so i was extremely lucky it didnt! im sure you will be fine. its good your doctor is doing something to ease your mind tho. if your hcg doubles every couple of days then they might not send you for an early scan. i know its hard to not worry and there are so many horror stories out there but just try and chill as much as possible :) im not really sure what the swelling could be? the pulsating could be anything tho, you might have a cyst or something. ive seen a few women on here say that they were in so much pain sometimes they thought they would lose baby and they have all been fine xx oh and if your looking stuff up on google...DONT! google is nasty lol xx

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