Is it a bad idea to get a puppy with a baby?


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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I want a puppy but keep getting told i cant have one cause Leif is to young :( What do you guys reckon? It would be a big breed of dog cause oh cant stand little dogs.
My dad was a dog handler and we have always had German Shepard's in the house, even before I was born..

I remember being sent flying a few times... Dogs like Shepard's grow to full size almost by 6 months, so they are still excitable puppies, just enormously large... they will come bounding in and forget their tails are like whips and that there is a baby in the way, go trampling on things and jump up and down. But they rarely intentionally hurt babies, especially if the baby is already there.

Depends on how big you want to go with your dog... but remember that pups are babies and need lots of care an attention, with a tiny one, it might mean a lot of hard work especially is you are house training one.

You could try getting a fully grown dog from the RSPCA... so that they don't have so many puppy qualities and are fully house trained.... that might be a good option to start with, then later when your LO is around 2/3 get a puppy... They will really bond then. :D and as long as any new dog is a pup when he arrives, the older dog shouldn't have any problems accepting him.
From my perspective i couldn't imagein doing it..not only would you have all LO's routines to deal follow but a puppy to train at the same time..At least you can take a baby most places

each to there own but it wouldn't be for me
If you're happy with the amount of house training, puppy yapping and poop, as well as feeding, walking etc, as well as all the fun, cuddles and stroking and puppy dogs eyes heehee I'd say go for it :D As long as you respect its a dog you'll be fine with Leif around any size or breed of dog, and what a wonderful friend for him too :D It's very possible to have a dog and a baby, best wishes Flame :hug:
Hiya! I have two dogs and love them to bits but I think my life would be so much easier if I didn't have them, they are fairly well behaved and fine with Thomas but I am always on my guard with them, because I don't think any dog is particularly trustworthy, they have their limits just like people!

I get annoyed that they create mess - dog hair etc and everything is always that little bit more untidy,

I personally would not get a puppy just yet, I would wait till Leif is a bit older and your time isn't dedicated to entertaining etc, however puppies are very cute!!!
I think the chances are it will be a german shephard. I used to go to a dog handling/training and agility club and worked with lots of differant types of dogs but the majority of them were German shephards so i feel comfortable around them. If my oh had his way it would be a rotty but i dont trust them as much. I nearly bought a staffy a couple of years ago but my oh wouldnt let me cause again he doesnt like small dogs, they are good with children though.

I think we will probably wait until at least after christmas and start looking into it properly, but i think a puppy would be better to grow up with what with Leif being young. Also dog shelters are a bit more reluctant to rehome dogs where there are baby's at home.
I love dogs.....but no way in hell would I have a German Shepherd near my baby!

I'd be far too scared that it would turn nasty and bite my little one - German Shepherds have a fair amount of wolf dna I do believe.

I know some people swear that even dogs like rotties can be the sweetest most gentlest dog ever. That's lovely all well and good....until they get proven wrong.

My advice - don't get a dog (not ANY dog) whilst you have a baby.

But that's just me.
Squiglet said:
But they rarely intentionally hurt babies, especially if the baby is already there.

See this is what I's that word "rarely" that gets to me. "Never" is what you want to hear. "Rarely" means there is a chance it will happen.

To me, that's not a chance I'd be willing to take, no matter how rare.
Xena said:
Squiglet said:
But they rarely intentionally hurt babies, especially if the baby is already there.

See this is what I's that word "rarely" that gets to me. "Never" is what you want to hear. "Rarely" means there is a chance it will happen.

To me, that's not a chance I'd be willing to take, no matter how rare.

Well we rarely bump our heads and die from a brain haemorrhage but theres always a chance. As with anything in life, you could walk your kid down the road and a stray dog could come out and savage your baby.. its rare, but could happen.

I say rarely because the dog, Roy which my dad had before I was born, went for me as a baby. But that's because Shepards are pack animals, and I was seen as a usurper taking all the attention away... my parents had suffered years of infertility before I was born, so Roy was the baby, then all of a sudden I came along and he didn't like it. They had him put down in the end.

I have only ever been bitten by a dog once, in my entire 17 years at home with dogs that were specifically trained to attack humans and it was my fault and the dog didn't mean it... We were playing with a stick where I was yanking it away before he could grab it... and well he missed and got my hand by accident.. but you could tell instantly he didn't mean it.

Dogs don't generally bite unless provoked, and they are no more dangerous than cats really (I got savaged by my mum's cat several times, nearly lost my eye and everything...and that effin thing meant it... I hated it... it hated me)

BUT getting a puppy when you already have a baby is like having another baby... and well that's a lot of hard work and I wouldn't advise it.
My OH wants to get a dog badly, we were meant to get one (a boxer we want LOL) when Brody had grown a bit, but now we have another on the way it's on hold again.

Personally, from a selfish point of view, I don't want one till the new baby is at least 1....OH might put the pressure on though as he's a real dog person.

Not only is a big dog likely to knock a baby over and stuff, I just can't be doing with all the wee on the carpet, training, barking, poo all over the back garden (if you're lucky, otherwise thats on the carpet too)
A puppy will chew the baby toys, leave hair and dirt and poo all over the floor when baby is learning how to crawl and has their face in the carpet most of the day.
I really want a dog, but it's not realistic for us at the moment.

What I would recommend, which is what I friend went on holiday when Brody was about 4 months old, and we looked after her dog...only a King Charles Spaniel, but she was a puppy. it really opened my eyes to how much work a dog is, especially a young dog. She was a royal pain in the ass!
Xena said:
I love dogs.....but no way in hell would I have a German Shepherd near my baby!

I'd be far too scared that it would turn nasty and bite my little one - German Shepherds have a fair amount of wolf dna I do believe.

I know some people swear that even dogs like rotties can be the sweetest most gentlest dog ever. That's lovely all well and good....until they get proven wrong.

My advice - don't get a dog (not ANY dog) whilst you have a baby.

But that's just me.

The majority of 'accidents' with dogs and children are the fault (for want of a beter word) of the parent all dogs - even the tinny cute ones decend from wolves and have the ability to do damage how they turn out is largely to do with the training a socialisation they recieve a rotweiler is just as capable of being a wonderful family pet as a lab its how they are brought up rotweilers have a bad reputation because they are popular with the wrong type of owner often brought up as guard dogs and encouraged to be violent it is no wonder that when a dog like this is left alone with a child accidents happen, the press is doing all parents a great injustice by blaming breeds for faults and not making it clear in the wrong situation any breed could turn!

The key is that no dog should be left unsupervised with children if this is too difficult to achieve then dont get a dog, it takes 2 seconds for a child to poke a dog in the eye or pull its tail and for the dog to result in the only defense they have a bite!

My dog is a softy is not a breed considered dangerous by the press and has had brilliant socialisation I have even taught him to accept a small tug on the tail by doing it very gently then rewarding him with a treat so if he was to have his tail pulled by a child it wouldnt be as big a shock I touch him all over rewarding for good behaviour as children being small can touch in places they arnt used, but I would NEVER leave my dog alone with a child I put him on the lead when out walking if children approach and teach him to say hello calmly if the child wants to pet him, I dont believe my dog would ever bite any one BUT I why take the risk!

I dont have kids but intend to in the not so distant future I believe having a dog and a baby will be hard work but worth it for me to give my children the friendship and relationship from a dog like I had from a child and to teach them to respect other dogs and how to behave around them.

Sorry for long post but breed victimisation and that of the dog in general is something that gets me on my soap box :oops:

In answer to your question I would wait a little while but when you are sure you have the time and commitment needed for a young pup (I could not believe the work involved when I got mine and I researched well before hand but nothing like the actual experience (bit like having a baby!) then it could be the best thing you do for your child to give him a canine best friend and teach him respect for animals and responsiblity (when hes older) as long as your careful!
well because of our situation we are now getting a dog at the weekend. We have a garden big enough for it now. He is a springer cross Labrador and so placid. Ella is 3 though and i think old enough to respect the dogs space and learn how to care for him.

I wouldnt advise a puppy just yet

Also your right they dont rehome dogs with children under 4
Penstraze said:
Sorry for long post but breed victimisation and that of the dog in general is something that gets me on my soap box :oops:

meh I'm not victimising dog breeds, I said I wouldn't have ANY dog whilst I have young children.
It's an unnecessary risk.
And yes, Squiglet, I know there are many other risky things, but why add to the list? There are enough dangerous things out there without deliberately adding dog bites to the possibilities!

Maybe I'm biased as I was chased and almost bitten by a rott when I was about 5. That dog later went on to bite a woman and had to be put down.

As I said though I like dogs - but not around little'uns.
I have a fantastic labrador who came into our family as a little 8 week old puppy.

At the time Beth and Tom were 5 and it was a great age to bring him to the family.

Although he is brilliant with Sam and so gentle, I personally think a puppy will be really hard work with a baby.

You have to nurture the dog like a baby,be awake at night with it when it's missing it's brothers and sisters and scared of the dark, they need to be set ground rules and worked on 24/7 for around 4 weeks to toilet train etc and believe me it's not what you want to do with a new baby.

If you really do want a dog I would put it on hold for a few years :D
I looked after my Mums dog (Lhasa Apso) while she was on holiday a year or so back, up til that point we were considering getting a dog/puppy....
She is not a excitable, yappy dog but she just bugged me to put it plainly!! Got in my feet, tried to steal Reece's toys, Reece was pulling her hair...blah blah blah..
Than you've got eating out dog biscuits all over the place!
So glad to say we dont have a dog, lol!
Although we may consider far in the future, I wouldnt recommend one while you have a baby...allm those walks in the rain etc - not for me! :wall:
From the age of about 18months my mum and dad adopted a stray alsation. Best thing in thew world, it was my best mate. It lived till i was almost 13. I still miss her to this day. She was lovely, and when hannah is abit older (and the next one) if we get a bigger house thewn i will deffinatly be having a dog/s
Wouldnt think a childhood would be the same without one!!!!
Ok, just to be difficult, I will say yeah, sure, why not have a puppy - I speak from experience, my labrador had her pups (six :shock:) when Anais was two weeks old. They have now all gone on to new homes, and life has returned to normal. Yes, a puppy is a lot of work, but if you really want one, you will be willing to put in the hours. You also need to get your OH extremely involved in the training and handling. From what you say, you know quite a bit about training anyway.
Also I, like Squiglet, was brought up with dogs. My parents werent trainers or breeders, but they had two dogs, one of which was a German Shepherd who was like my guardian. The only danger of bites there was if a stranger went too near me when I was a kid without my parents giving permission. Also my father turned up with a poodle puppy for me when I was six weeks old (it was Christmas Eve) - my mother nearly killed him - until he said " please hold the poor little thing for a minute while I go get a dry coat (it was raining) and i will take him back to the shop" by all accounts it took a loooooooong time for him to find a dry coat and when he got back winnie the pooh (the poodle) was being fed. He lived for forteen years and was my little matey! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I wouldn't, far too much like hard work! Puppies are so demanding.

I can't even be bothered with our cats anymore and they look after themselves!

Why not give it a year or two and then they'll be the cutest playmates :D
Personally i would wait untill the little one is older.
I would wait untill you can give the time to devote to training the dog, as big breed need to be trained other wise you will have an unrully potentially dangerous.
They need to be socialised, vaccinated, wormed, neutered.

They need more care than a baby.

We will get a dog once ewan is around 3.
I remember seeing a pic of me with a puppy Golden Retriever when I had just started walking. My parents had to take him back because although he was friendly and adorable, he was too boisterous and kept knocking me over when excited. They waited until I was 5 (and my sister was 3) before getting another dog and by then we were able to cope with a puppy.

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