Is history repeating itself?


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Nov 10, 2010
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Hi everyone, sorry if I waffle on here but here's my background.

After three years of trying I had a chemical pregnancy back in 2009 followed by another pregnancy the month after. That time it stuck and I know have a beautiful son who was more than worth the wait. I had some spotting when I was pregnant with him but it was always a dark brown and never very much and there was never any pain, I was given a scan at just over six weeks and another at 10 weeks as well as the usual scans and all was fine.

Then after a couple of months of trying this year I got pregnant again. I suffered a bit of spotting and some cramping at 6 weeks but told couldn't have scan till 7wks - when I went they could see the sac but no fetal pole so had to wait a week for another and they did blood work. HGC was so high they should have seen something and so thought it might be ectopic, cue hospital visits every few days. My 2nd HCG reading had gone up but it hadn't doubled as it should and then next scan showed a slight increase in size and it looked like it might be developing into twins but still no baby to be seen. At 10 weeks it had actually shrunk and it was termed a missed miscarriage and I then had to take tablets to bring it on (worst moment of my life!).

That was back in Aug and I'm now 6wks 4days again. This pregnancy feels exactly the same as the one I lost. My symptoms are really strong and I have bloated up like a balloon and already can't do up my trousers but I am also spotting again almost every day since 5 weeks and experiencing mild cramps and lower back ache.

I am really panicking. I know that strong symptom are meant to be a good sign but I hardly had any when I was pregnant with my DS and the only time I've experienced them this strong was with the miscarriage so I am finding it really hard to stay positive.

I have been told I can't get a scan before 7 weeks and that I will need to ring them again at the end of the week and say I am bleeding again before they will arrange it. My DH doesn't want me to as he found the in and out of hospital part the hardest last time, he would rather just wait and hope for the best but I'm undecided. I really want a scan to try and put my mind at rest but at the same time I really don't want to go through all the doubt after the scans last like last time.

Sorry this post has been so long, I think I just needed to vent.

Has anyone else felt like they were having the same signs as a previous miscarriage but gone on to have healthy baby?
Hey hon, I had a mc in Jan and got pregnant again 2 months later. When I mc I too bloated right up and spotted which I'd never had when I had my little boy in 2008. I had the same bloating and spotting with this pregnancy - bled at 3 different times in Tri 1 and really worried about it but I'm now 38 weeks pregnant. I think early bloating can be more common in subsequent pregnancies and who knows why I spotted this was really frightening tho so I understand how ur feeling. Can ur GP do a HGC test for you today and another one in a few days to help you understand what might be happening and hopefully put ur mind at rest?

Thinking of u hon x x x
Thank you, and congratulations on your happy news. I bet you can't wait to meet your little one.

I called the community midwives today and they have booked me in for a scan on Thursday morning when I will be exactly 7 weeks. Fingers crossed it will all be fine this time round and I can stop worrying and just enjoy it.

I will update as soon as I can.
Hi Llama.
I too had a miscarriage in January 2010 at 10 weeks.

I then went on to find out I was pregnant again in July this year. At 7 weeks, I started bleeding & worried myself silly that I was losing the baby. The bleeding carried on for a week or so and by this time I was also in pain, so decided to seek medical attention.

Early scan was booked & all was fine!

Now nearly 19 weeks gone with my little monkey and feeling kicks and elbows :)

When my midwife said 'All pregnancies are different', I didn't believe her - but they are, and there will be light at the end of the tunnell :)

Hope this helps xx
hi Llama,
I had a mc at 6+5 in September 2010. and I'm currently 9+3, I've been spotting throughout and I think that I'm over reacting every twinge and ache I'm convinced that I'm losing my babies, I went to the local EPU the beginning of this month because i had some spotting and they found 2 perfect babies.

last Friday I had stomach pains and have got another EPU appointment tomorrow morning to check my twinkles are OK.

Every pain i have I'm convinced the same is happening again, and even though I know deep down that everything is fine and its just my body adjusting to being pregnant, it doesn't stop you worrying.

I'm sure we will have healthy pregnancies but we've been through a massive loss and it doesn't take away the pain of the loss for the babies we never got to meet.

Good luck hun

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