Is fart a swear?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2006
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We were never allowed to say fart as children, it was pump, trump, guff or blow off :lol:

Fart was considered a 'swear' and would have got us a telling off. I don't think I'd feel comfortable saying it to Stanley while he's little.

But I hear LOADS of kids saying it now, even on children's TV.

When did it become acceptable, or was it always and my parents unusually uptight?
I don't think it's a swear as such. But I think I would rather kids didn't say it. We always used 'fluff' or when we were really little 'windypops' I will probably use those terms to LO.
No, but i was told when i was a child tht it was a bit crude - my mum told me to use trump!!!
I don't consider it to be a swear word - I hear much worse from the 15 years olds I teach
Mason doesn't say it....we say trumps round here, unless he's out of earshot.

I'll vote no, it's not a swear although I don't want Mason saying it yet.
I always got told off for saying it, told to say break wind or pump. Paris just says fart, it is what it is :rotfl:
we were never allowed to say it and i dont like to hear it
When I was little it was considered bad - mum never used to let me say it and we always used "pumped".

But time has definitely reduced its impact i think cos now my brothers who are ten and 15 years younger than me use it all the time and mum doesnt raise an eyebrow and uses it herself!

It doesnt bother me tbh. I can think of plenty of worse words that I wouldnt want my son to use!! I dont find it offensive at all.
Guff :rotfl: :rotfl:
That's got to be one of the best words for it!

We were never allowed to say fart and I definitely don't want Tom saying it. I suppose it's not technically a swear word but I don't like it for children.
My mom still goes mad at me if I call it a fart and I am 36! :lol:

I dont like to hear it said by kids to be honest - I think trump or something similar is much better.
Its windy pops or bottom pop bottom noise ect at work
if one of the kids said Fart then they would be told to refrase

My Mam dosnt like it my Dad dosnt care
windy pop ,pump, smelly bottom ect was used
when i was little it was but my parents were really strict with cuss words. its not so bad anymore ill say shit and fuck occasionally infront of my mum (wont say fuck infront of my dad tho- he's really old-school and doesnt believe in cussing infront of women- he nearly crashed the car once and said "f**king hell" and was apologising to me all day for it! feels wrong to say it to him!) i still wont say **** but i hardly ever use that word anyway.
tbh i think my boyf and i will be really lax about cuss words. im one of those u will probably all hate me i think kids cussing is funny!
theres much worse stuff kids could be up to these days, whats so wrong with a sound coming out of their mouth compared to happy-slapping or whatever
Defo a swear, when I was little my brothers and sisters and I had to say we'd 'shot a bunny'! WTF?????! :shock:
Fluffy Bunny said:
Defo a swear, when I was little my brothers and sisters and I had to say we'd 'shot a bunny'! WTF?????! :shock:


We said 'Who let Polly out of prison?'
Minxy said:
Fluffy Bunny said:
Defo a swear, when I was little my brothers and sisters and I had to say we'd 'shot a bunny'! WTF?????! :shock:


We said 'Who let Polly out of prison?'

:rotfl: :rotfl: Jesus, do you think our parents were trying to totally screw us up! :rotfl: :rotfl:
I have to say though, no matter how old I get, (I'm 30), I still find fart jokes hilarious and as I am quite, ahem, windy at the mo I am loving snuggling up to OH, dropping one & running off.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Well, it amuses me anyway.
we say 'pop' ! as in 'you popped off'!!!!
i don't like mine saying fart, josh tries to say it ( hes 6) & i have to tell him not to say it.

we wouldn't have been allowed to say it when we were younger.
my mum says.........purp :rotfl: :rotfl:
me and OH say fart but i was always told not to as a kid, my dd1 says trump tho even tho i havent told her shes got to say that. i dnt think its a swear word and i would be fine with her using it.


When I was a kid we called it a 'pruut' lol.

Nowadays it's just a fart. When Lydia farts she always proudly announces "That was a fart, wasn't it?!" with a beaming smile on her face lmao!
Bee said:
I don't consider it to be a swear word - I hear much worse from the 15 years olds I teach

you teach 15 yr olds :shock: *bows down*

got to hand it to ya, i couldnt do that

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