Is fart a swear?

Xena said:
Nowadays it's just a fart. When Lydia farts she always proudly announces "That was a fart, wasn't it?!" with a beaming smile on her face lmao!

:rotfl: Arent kids brilliant! :lol:
Na not a swear, just slang. We say trump in our house :D
I dont think, as a teacher, I'd be too comfortable with the kids using it.
We weren't allowed to use ut as kids either.
We never used to call it anything hehe just used to be followed by "ewwwwww You smeellllll" I dont think we ever used to talk about it haha mum and dad would really mind too much if we did say it as long as it wasnt a repetitive saying it just for the sake....I can remember getting told off for saying "oh sugar" all the time when I was about 8....i think mum was just in a bad mood!
Since seeing the book "Farley Farts" about a frog that can't stop farting, I've found the word more acceptable. The book is written for pre-schoolers after all. Maisy uses "fart" regularly. There's worse things she could be saying I guess!
I was never allowed to say fart - I had to say trump!
When I say trump now though people just laugh!!!

I don't think it's a swear anymore! :lol:
Bee said:
I don't consider it to be a swear word - I hear much worse from the 15 years olds I teach

:lol: Me too!
Some of the words I hear pupils use :shock: :shock: :shock:
I don't think it's a swear word. But I'm not 100% comfortable about saying it :D
That said, I don't like any of the alternatives either. OH says windy pops and I just think that sounds stupid :oops:

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