is anyone weaning under 6months???

i do think its your LO that lets you no when they are ready. theres no way i could leave him untill he is 6months, milk alone does not satisfy him.
I have read lots of articles and no one seems to really no when is best? i think its when you feel you are both ready and comfortable to start it.
i have bought more jars today :( should start making some up for him, just need to get more organised.....does anyone no anywhere where i can get some good recipes for him?
I'd try to start off with homemade meals if you can as I think babies get a taste for the jars which will obviously have preservatives in which will affect the taste somehow and influence how he reacts to homemade foods.

Starting off I just did sweet potato, carrot and suede, cauliflower, broccoli, pear, apple and peach purees and mixed with some baby rice made with her milk. We've got more complex now and she has porridge for breakfast with fruit purée and for tea will have veg and a formats frais for afters. Look on amazon for weaning books and most will have recipes in them xxxx
I also have an evening of making foods for her. I wash peel and chop the fruit and veg and put it in my electric steamer and go and get on with chores or have a sit down and then stick it in the food processor, pour into the asda food pots, leave to cool and put in the freezer. I put the pots back in their holder in order of whether they are fruit or veg and when I made them (the oldest being at the front and newest at the back and work my way down)
I started weaning Jack at 4 months. He's never been interested in milk and was slowly slipping down the percentiles in his book because he wouldn't drink more than 3oz at a time and then be hungry 90mins later because he hadn't drunk enough (still only drinks 4oz max at 11 months!)

He started off with baby porridge for tea at night and after a few weeks we gave him lunch too. He had things like boiled potato, carrot, broccoli, parsnip, cauliflower, sweet potato, butternut squash etc. I also stewed him some pear & apple and alternated between a sweet lunch & a savoury lunch for a few weeks. By 6 motnhs he was having breakfast, lunch and dinner. At first I froze his food in ice cube trays and once frozen popped them all out and transfered them to freezer bags and then gave him 1 ice cube per meal at first. Now I freeze his food in pots (just chopped up now he's older) then pop it out of the pot and into freezer bags. Saves having to buy lots of pots. He loves his grub and would never have lasted until 6 months x
I was never ever keen on BLW and it's actually turned out to be the best thing for Angel. I started out on purees and my HV said the 6 month waiting is very unrealistic for a lot of babies. She encouraged me to try Angel on lumpy foods and not puree everything into a paste lol I was really reluctant as I just assumed she'd choke. So I waited till a week or so ago and gave her toast fingers and dya know what she loved them. Since then I've been giving her porridge for breakfast then her toast. For lunch I've been giving her cucumber sticks, these little organic carrot crisps (they're like the same type as Wotsits just bigger so they can pick it up) little cheese fingers, banana and apple usually and for tea I gave her a pureed meal but she clearly likes feeding herself rather than us feeding her and she's doing really well with it. The only time she ever gagged and coughed a lot was today when she bit a big chunk of cucumber and I did panic a bit but I bashed her on the back and it popped out straight away lol xx
wow thanks guys - i thought with my HV being so against weaning before 6 months, then i assumed that everyone else would be advised the same.
Jackson is the same as your Jack Clairbare22, he only eats little and often, and it is so frustrating, cause i no if i go out then he will need feeding shortly after leaving the house. But since starting him on solids he has calmed down so much that i can now go out for a few hours without him screaming for food!!!
i gave him some mashed up banana today - he loved it!
Im going to be doing the same as Laurenmm and starting on the Blw once she gets to 6 months. She's a lot more content now and her milk uptake actually increased once she started on solids

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