is anyone else still in denial?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2015
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I still don't actually believe I'm growing a baby? Despite it being on my mind every moment of every day .

Despite being so poorly , and despite seeing evidence when I had a scan at 6 weeks .

I also bought a Doppler and have listened to the heartbeat just this morning ....

Yet I STILL don't actually believe it

Will I have problems bonding if this continues ? I bonded straight away with my daughter when I was pregnant , happily chatting away to her in there from day1 .. I was amazed ...

But I can't believe I might actually have another child?? Maybe its because I accepted I ne er would?

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I'm 30 weeks and still not totally convinced this is actually happening. I know that sounds ridiculous! But I seem to be thinking that it's gone, my bump is smaller and that something is gonna happen to take this away from me. We had disappointment after disappointment for 3 years ttc, and I just can't believe everything we wished for is actually happening.I think it's just hard to take in I'm sure u won't have any bonding issues when u see that wee face xx
Congratulations after 3 years Quinn1979 .... That must have been amazing :) .... Good luck with the rest , I will look out for your birth announcement .. After a long Tim TTC my 2nd and eventually giving up , I know how special it must be to you

All the best and Thank you x
I'm completely in oh has told his family and close friends and I've told my best mate and my boss...I think it's because it happened so quick that I still don't believe it's happening x
My LO is 6 months old and I still can't believe she's here. After almost 3.5 years of heartbreak TTC after my son we were just getting our heads around the probability of never having another baby.
I'm now pregnant with our third and again, can't believe this is happening. It's pure magic xXx
I'm 29 weeks and still not sure i've totally accepted i am going to have a baby soon!
It feels surreal even though we have bought loads and had about 5 scans etc!
I keep thinking it will sink in soon but i'm now not sure it will till i have him in my arms ;-)
Hey, I am in the same boat. Spent a long time ttc, I saw our babies hb at 7 weeks, then paid for a private scan yesterday at 9w2d our baby was wriggling and we have pictures. But I find myself half doubtful that this is the real deal, and I'm so scared! I just think I'm holding off being excited until I know my baby is moving around in there. Xx
I'm in denial!

We've told a few people and I'm really frightened I'll find out it's not real and I'll look like a fool after moaning about symptoms.

You book straight in with midwife (don't confirm with doctor) where I live, so apart from my 3 positive tests and symptoms there's no outside proof I'm pregnant. It's also my first. I have a booking appt finally on Thursday but I don't even know if I'll hear the heartbeat which would really help.

I know how you feel -Eek!

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