Is anyone else having really vivid dreams?


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
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I called in sick to work this thing I knew I was at work but didn;t know how I'd got there. Was chatting to the girls in the office when someone pointed out, your outfit looks a bit like pyjamas. I look down and sure enough I am still wearing my pyjamas - which is plausible considering I don;t even remember the drive to work. So I spend the next few minutes trying to work out how to get away with wearing my coat for the rest of the day so nobody else notices.

OBVIOUSLY this turned out to be a dream but it was VERY VERY REAL!!!!!!

Woke up very confused!
oh yes here are mine so far

Here are my weird dreams.
I had one where my baby was born but was having bad alergic reactions to our dog, we had to get rid of Horace the dog and I have had him for ten years, I woke up and was almost in tears. then I had one where we saw something advertised on the internet about a rare parrot, it was in this house somewhere, so me and Ade went to see it, when we got there it was just a parrot in a cage and it didn't even talk, and it was in this really horrible house where an old lady, her daughter and daughters husband and their three tear away kids lived. When we got home we looked on the internet and saw some reviews stating things like "they use their sofa as a bin" and going on about what a weird thing to be advertised, a scruffy house full of ruff folk and a parrot that doesn't even talk.Anyway I woke up laughing my head off. then monday night I had a horrible dream where some stranger turned up at my house and left her daughter with me to hide from her husband, I looked after the girl and I saw on the news the next day the mother had been shot by her husband,and on the news it showed you the car her husband drove and said he was looking for who had his daughter. Then he came looking for me and wanted to shoot me, his car was parked outside for what seemed like hours, I would wake up scared then every time I went back to sleep I would go back to where his car was parked outside. I woke up crying then this morning, haven't had nightmares for over 20 years. Then last nights was a funny one, There was me and my mum at the seaside and I was taking photographs of the sea, when suddenly a fin popped out of the water, I thought it was a shark and i started taking photo's of it, Then my mum said it was a dolphin. When we got home I looked at the picture on my computer and zoomed into the picture too see if it was a shark or a dolphin, it was neither of those, it was some guy in a diving suit and flippers on his feet, totally crazy!
I've been having loads. Most of them have been rude. Which is weird! lol
babyblonde said:
Oh good - it's not just me then!
no not just you, i heard it is normal, our hormones fault again, :lol: they do feel so real though don't they, i never used to remember my dreams in detail, but these are like they really happen
Jaded Diamond said:
I've been having loads. Most of them have been rude. Which is weird! lol
haha i had 1 dirty dream, i left that out, was far too dirty to put in my blog, my mum and mum in law reads it :rotfl:
Just cos i've just seen it in the news...
I keep having dreams about woolworths.. last night i was in australia trying to work out if the woolies there was interlinked & affected by woolies here being closed... weird!
Jaded Diamond said:
Just cos i've just seen it in the news...
I keep having dreams about woolworths.. last night i was in australia trying to work out if the woolies there was interlinked & affected by woolies here being closed... weird!
that is crazy :rotfl: it is amazing what stuff can stick in your head and then pop up in your dreams, i also keep dreaming about my ex, not in a dirty way, he is just always there in my dreams lately which is mad cos i never think about him
Ex's keep appearing in my dreams too.Naturally I can't tell G about those dreams.
Its really bizarre the stuff my mind seems to be coming out with at the moment! haha
Jaded Diamond said:
Ex's keep appearing in my dreams too.Naturally I can't tell G about those dreams.
Its really bizarre the stuff my mind seems to be coming out with at the moment! haha
yeah i don't tell OH about them ones either, just hope he don't come on here :rotfl:
So it's not just me that has saucy dreams? I had the nightmare one about Simon Cowell then a couple of weeks ago I was dreaming about Christopher Meloni (Elliot Stabler in Law & Order SVU). I never normally have dirty dreams but since I got preggers it about as close as I've gotten to the real thing :oops:
OMG how funny!!! I also dreamt of Simon Cowell last night (not rude I hasten to add!!)!!! Totally and utterly surreal.....I'm not even a particular fan!!

These hormones are playing some very weird tricks!!! lol

Glad to hear I'm not alone with these very strange and vivid dreams!!

:shock: I dream about really random things.

Last night I got down and dirty with my........ sister in law :shhh: :oops: :rotfl:

I had really wierd dreams when I was 13,14,15 weeks.
About having my baby but when she came out she was already dressed, she could already talk and eat. Wass reallyyy odd :lol:
I then Had another where I went to have my scan in the middle of asda, and then they induced me at 4 months and I was walking round asda screaming cause I was in labour and picking up food off the shelves and eating it :lol:
I had a horrible dream last night, it was about a film, and it was actually like a theme park, but god it was gruesome.
I had a horrible dream last night too.
I was back in Australia and we'd brought a house, but we were staying at a friends house until we could move in, and there was this cobra who was following me everywhere. but inside his hood bit (you know that bit around their necks) were green shaped diamond markings, which mesmerised me. And he kept spitting poison at me.
I'm terrified of snakes, so this was not good haha.

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