Is anyone else feeling like this


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2008
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hiya everyone

hope your all doing well, was just wondering if anyone else is feeling like this,

i have what 7 weeks left but both my boys were early and midwife things i have about 4 weeks left,

i am feeling exhursted, heavy, tired, fat, miserrable, unattractive, feel like an elephant, non of my clothes fit me now even my maternity jeans i can't get over my backside,

my loving husband asked me did i have twins in my butt cheeks :lol: it did make me laugh for about 2 seconds but now i feel as if i am carrying twins in my ass.

i have been having contractions since 20 weeks and they are getting more intense wish he would give it a rest till he is defo ready to come or just get on with it.

aaaaarrrrrrgggggggghhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm not having a good week

bobs xxxxxxx
I am feeling fairly fed up already!!

It now takes me 3 times longer to walk home from work, and just wish I had a magic wand to get me home as feel like an elephant trying to run the London Marathon!

Little man is now the most active he has ever been. I've quite lucky in him giving me a lot of peice and quiet throughout, but it's now almost non-stop!!

Hips and knees are sooo painful from the weight and arthritis, and SPD on top makes me feel like a right lump! Just want the baby and Mummy bit to start now!
yes, im starting to feel increadible unattractive, and huge! and although its not drgging yet, i just cant wait till its all over and i can be a semi human again (im guessing with the birth and BF etc it'll take about 6 months to be 'me' again)

And if your husband says that again....smack him in the face! :hug:
Yep, you're not alone. No one tells you that this last part of pregnancy is painful :( . I'm alright if I keep moving as I get stiff sitting for long periods of time. Had to take my wedding ring off yesterday as went all puffy in the heat and trousers wouldn't fit :cry: . OK today as cooler but I've looked better, even my legs went bloated!!
Ah tell me about it!

If I sit too far back on my sofa it takes me ages to get off it.
I'm not sleeping well at all (I haven't had a full night's sleep in aaaages).
My BH get uncomfortable sometimes.
She'll kick in some right wierd places and it can be quite painful at times.
I walk like I've sh*t myself 12 times over.
As soon as I leave the bathroom, I need another wee.

The list is endless!

dannii87 said:
Ah tell me about it!

If I sit too far back on my sofa it takes me ages to get off it.
I'm not sleeping well at all (I haven't had a full night's sleep in aaaages).
My BH get uncomfortable sometimes.
She'll kick in some right wierd places and it can be quite painful at times.
I walk like I've sh*t myself 12 times over.
As soon as I leave the bathroom, I need another wee.

The list is endless!


These two are my faves!!! :rotfl: Can agree with you on those totally!

Also can I combine them with saying (no I don't pee on the sofa!) but as soon as I sit on the p=blooming sofa I need the loo again! :wall:
I was feeling okay earlier but I suddenly feel sick & have backache & stomach ache. I think I have started having braxton hicks as well which are quite uncomfortable. Although I don't want Bambino coming now - I wish I could fast forward to 2 weeks time so I could start trying out all the techniques for bringing on labour. Although the way I am feeling the sex tip is well out the window!! Shame - I think that is the one OH was looking forward to... :D

I bet this baba will be late as well. :roll:
As you can see i don't think you along, looking at recent pictures i feel like the latest addition to the teletubbies, and i can no longer mosturise the lower part of my legs so my feet end up looking all ashy...

Also my OH won't give me anymroe jabberwookie so that makes me feel even less sexalicious!!

It wont be too long before we can get back to our svelte happy selves again, i prescrube lots of chocolate biccies and your fav tunage!!

I feel huge and broken! Can't wait to be able to pick stuff up off the floor without it being a timed military operation.

I'm also growing out of my maternity jeans :( Hopefully my arse is storing fat ready for breastfeeding, not for life!

And Oscar has been more active this last week or so which is knackering me out a bit!

I feel your pain :hug: :D Can't wait to be me again (and have my little bundle of joy too ;) )
Hiya girls

it so great that you all feel like me :? well you know what i mean,

my week can hopefully only get better,

bobs xxxx
I keep fantasising about wearing my jeans again.......I actually took them all out to have a look yesterday and they look so slim and fitted and lovely........ahhh, not long now girls :hug:
i'm the same, i'm down to only being able to fit in my dungerees and 'dance' pants now.
I spent a fortune in may buying more maternity jeans and stuff but now none of them fit!
My dungerees are starting to get tight which is getting on my nerves!

danni's list - i agree sooo much. LOL!

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