Is anybody else...


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Are any of you dreading having your first scan?

I have been wishing the week's away for my scan, but now it's only 5 days away I'm so nervous and worried. I dont want to go, I'm so worried that something will be wrong (like theres no baby there or that the baby has died or something) then it will be all over and I dont think I could handle that. :(
I'm feeling exactly the same! I have a private scan booked for this Sat and have been looking forward to it for it's nearly here I'm dreading it, I keep imagining the sonographer frowning and saying "I'm sorry but....." !!
Isn't funny how scans and the like, meant to diagnose problems and protect mother and child, actually prove to be a source of worry in themselves. Years ago, these tests didn't exist and problems in pregancy were just a given - I think that sometimes too much information isn't such a good thing!

I had an early pregnancy scan a week ago at 9 weeks and I was so scared that something was wrong. I decided that until I found out otherwise, I was pregnant and that I should enjoy the moment. As it was, everything was ok.

Relax, don't worry. The fate of our children is always out of our hands, whether they are inside or outside the womb. I think everyone is a little nervous before a scan - look forward to it as an opportunity to finally see the little blighter that's been making you feel so ill :cheer:
I am waiting for my letter to come through the post with my scan date, should be due anyday now and i'm so scared that i will get to the scan and be told that theres nothing there or somethings totally wrong, with this pregnancy i've treid to concentrate on all the positives and not think all bad thoughts, apart from the first scan xxx
I can't wait for mine but I think that is because it is so far away!

I'm sure everything will be fine and I can't wait to see your pictures :D :hug:
Hi Jodie - I am too, I think it's the unknown that is scary part.

I haven't had my scan yet and part of me still thinks they're going to say "you're not even pregnant..." but apparently, most people think like that :D so it's normal to be concerned.

Try not to let it stress you out though, I'm sure all will be fine!

Be sure to post the scan pics! x
I understand completely cos I'll be just as worried but I'm sure all our babies will be ok. Be sure to post your pictures after the scan I can't wait to see them :hug:
Same thoughts went through my mind - in fact with my 20 week scan on the 8th im feeling really scared to. I can feel the baby moving but it still doesn't put my mind at rest much. Hope you manage tocalm your nerves a little and if you do please let me know how you do it!

Take care x x x
I haven't got a clue when my scan is yet because I haven't seen the midwife. My doctor said she'd be in contact but my phone line is down due to a technical fault from virgin :x they can't fix it till tuesday and my midwife appointment is tuesday :lol: I'll be 11 weeks by then! Hoping I get a letter or something through before the midwife! I'm not nervous about the scan yet because I haven't got a date but when I do I'll be bricking it! I'm nervous about my midwife appointment again which is silly but I think that's cos the midwife has changed since I had Aaron. Ah well, I'm hoping it'll all be fine :D
I wasn't nervous at all about the dating scan, i think cos i only had about 4 days notice and i was flat out at work so didn't have time to worry. but we have our Downs scan next week and i am worried about that. I hosnestly don't know what i would do (continue or not) if the risk was assessed to be high. Hopefully i wont have to decide, but everyone else on here has said their baby moved heaps on the dating scan. Ours didn't it jsut lay still and only moved once before going back to the same position.

Oh well only a few more days and then i will find out.

Glad I'm not the only one who feel's this way. Thank's for all your kind word's I feel much better now.

Tots Hope, my scan is on the 8th too, I will be sure to look in Tri 2 for your scan post. I'm sure you have nothing to be worried about. Will you be finding out the sex? Second Tri seem's like so much fun :)
aw hunny all will be fine, then you can really start to enjoy your pregnany hey darlin?

did you have a good xams/new year?? :D
I was really nervous before mine, but the moment you see the LO up on the screen you wonder what you were so worked up for.

It'll all be fine, be sure to put your pics on afterwards!
dannii87 said:
I haven't had my scan yet and part of me still thinks they're going to say "you're not even pregnant..." but apparently, most people think like that :D so it's normal to be concerned.

I was like that at my 20 week scan :lol:

My 12 weeks scan was supposed to be when I was 16 weeks cos there was a waiting list but I got admitted to hospital with hypermesis when I was 13 weeks so I got a scan then - I was so ill I didn't even think about it or get excited :( And I had no one with me :(

Everything will be fine hun!
MissGobby said:
aw hunny all will be fine, then you can really start to enjoy your pregnany hey darlin?

did you have a good xams/new year?? :D

Yeah hopefully I will be able to relax after the scan and actually start planning and buying thing's because at the moment I refuse to plan anything or get excited just incase.

I tried to have a good xmas and new year but my nausea quite bad and I couldnt drink but I made the most of it. How was yours? xx

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